Follow-up to: Taking Care of Business in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is in a state of civil war.  This small country in west Africa had formerly known peace the past 30 years, but old prejudices came to a head in this plot when fighting broke out between two cultures of the region.  The fighting itself destroyed a hospital in the capital, and embroiled one of our players, Natalie Northbrook-Grey, who sought treatment for a wounded child in her care.  As Miss Grey is the daughter of prominent CCD citizens, and the granddaughter of the DVII Patron, her family hired a local mercentary/security group, Legion Premiere, to see to her extraction.  

Three PC’s work for Legion Premiere.  The first is Jay Carpenter, an American former Marine with a soft spot for injustice.  The second is Jared Vanders, another American and former police from Roswell New Mexico.  Then finally we have the newly appointed CEO of Legion Premiere, Jacques Danjou.  He has recently become aware of the presence of channelers – and seen first hand what they can do on the battlefield.  Now he finds one (Vanders) in his own midst and seeks the best way to use his secret weapon. 

Violence largely came to an end in Freetown after most of the government was assassinated.  General Wallace-Johnson of the Sierra Leoneon army has named himself interim President, but only Jacques Danjou, Legion Premiere, and a handful of characters stand in his way from taking over by force.  

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