The First Age

Full Version: Upgrades/Updates/Clear your Cache
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We were two patches behind so I updated them this afternoon and it broke things.

The them is off so you might need to clear your cache to get it to work right.

and as I look at the page I see crap I had once fixed so I'll work on what I can
*pokes at screen.
*pokes at screen.
Why are you poking me??

(is anything wrong?)
It looks funny
Tell me where? what parts?

The thing that makes it 'pretty' got fucked up and I'm having to make it look right.

I know some places are odd and off but what's funny for you cause I can fix most things.

If it's white and blue and you can't read it? Or things are mis placed you need to clear your browser cache.
What if its you that looks funny.
nuttin I can do about that huney you gotta deal.
The text inside my quote box won't color black. And can't read it against a white background.
Alright I fixed it. You'll have to clear your cache in order to get things to take effect.
Thumbs up. thanks