The First Age

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Mik seemed to understand but not, but Li let it go. He was more than happy he was willing to work within Li's limitations. At least until someone else came along. And that was the low down on why this was here. Li had wanted someplace people could come to learn and teach. Even the Atharim could teach a person something - maybe not the right philosphy on life and liberties, but it was knowledge that people saught.

The weapon Mik pointed at was the Shinai. "Is that specifically what you want to learn?" Li asked, "Is that just what looks cool."

Li walked over to the table and pulled the brochure from the packet of them. "You can learn any of these from any master. I'm willing to teach you. But your interest isn't in becoming a swordsman, or a MMA fighter with a specific style. Your goal, if I'm not mistaken is to fight better - be it monsters or thugs on the street." Li gave Mik a knowing smile. "Street fighting, is much like fighting monsters - unpredictable. Why let a form of study make you predictable. If you trust me, There are techniques you can employ from all methods to take down your opponent bigger and smaller."
Mik barked a laugh and spoke as if he were serious. "Oh yeah, man, totally. Gotta make sure I look cool. All samurai and shit." And then he rolled his eyes. Jerking his head at the tusk, and then at Li's torso. "Shit, man. Figure the farther I keep them things away from my squishy insides, the better. Long pole or sword seems like the way to go." Course the power seemed even better.

He wasn't gonna fight with one hand tied behind his back, that was sure as hell for sure.

Still, at Li's words, he shrugged. "But, ok. Yeah. I trust you. You kicked my ass once already." He eyed the man in his gi. It would be like dancing, really. Fun for its own sake. But also a reason to get all up and close to someone. Li didn't vibe him back, but that was ok. It was all in fun anyway. In fact, maybe he would head out dancing later that night. Do it up right. He was feeling frisky, after all.
And so it would begin then. His first real student. Not that he didn't have other students, but they were children - here to learn self defense, fighting, discipline - not the mystical arts and definitely not the passing of Atharim knowledge on to the common folk - the mundane - regular people. That was Li's ultimate goal, rip the rug from underneath all the Atharim beliefs. No longer did they hide in the shadows, why should the past - why should they hold the monopoly on the strange and fascinating.

Li intended to mix lore with the practical. And today they'd start. Mik's interest lie in besting Oni - so that's where they'd start. How to kill something bigger than you, stronger than you and with skin like armor.

"Let's begin." ...........
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