The First Age

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I am hosting an online IRC web client as the one I found for ASC takes forever to load and still has problems. So this one is fully under my control. No ads, hopefully no problems. But I don't know for certain so if you are tired of the current chat give this one a shot.

If it works better I'll have Asc replace it.
I set up a discord server:

No one uses it really, but if you put it on with notifications you can get a ping everytime someone posts. That's who Thal and I use it. I think ck just started.
we have been getting an influx of spammers in the chat room lately.

I've set a password to the channel it is ascendancy But i can't get it to work from the chatroom gui.

But if you ever find you can't connect to it close #thefirstage channel click on The First Age. In the text typng box type

/join #thefirstage ascendancy and you should get in without a problem. I will always use this word.

I will potentially work on getting a command you can tell fabot that will lock the room and unlock the room so non ops (moderators) can lock it down easily when we have idiots bugging us.

I know you don't want to go to a email required service but we do have a discord server set up as well (and post notifications do go there automatically if you like the idea of getting a notification posts are made)
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