The First Age

Full Version: Atharim roommate
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Hey everyone.

I was thinking the Atharim might put me up with a roommate in Moscow, since the cost of living is quite high in the city and there are several of us here.

Any thoughts on that? Anyone want to roommate?
Hood's place is an Atharim safe house that he, as a non-Atharim, keeps in good order. It's meant for temporary stays, so if no one else offers, you can crash on one of Hood's cots till your character gets his feet on the ground, so to speak.
Aria has a studio apartment. Dont think you want to room with the crazy tho.
You're welcome to room with Tehya. She's being put up in an apartment building somewhere central. Not that she would offer to share, but if she was informed of a roommate she wouldn't put up a fuss. Considering what her and Aria are up to it might be interesting (Vague Truths).

Great Tehya! I will take you up on your offer for the time being!
Here is a link to make it easier to find.
