The First Age

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The BTS for episode 6 wasn't up for me when I watched the actual episode yesterday either, I looked. Maybe they release it later. They have FINALLY moved all that and the origins stories out of x-ray, for which I'm glad. I couldn't see them on my TV only my laptop which was annoying, and I don't think I had access to the BTS episodes at all before yesterday. The origins now also have subtitles available. Beautiful as they are some of the sound quality on those is pretty bad, I struggled to understand the warder one before.

You could probably interpret Rosamund's quote to mean 4 go in and might not come back, which may be why they left it in. To me it definitely sounds like she means the 4 who are not the dragon might not come back though, which implies there should have been 4 possible not-dragons make the journey.
Where are all these extras. I'm checking my TV and can't find them in the prime app. They show on laptops and phones which is dumb.

I am going to rewatch the episode
If you could see them in x-ray before they should still be there, but you can also scroll back through the episode list now. The BTS stuff for each ep and the origin stories are episode 0 (then the title of whatever they are).
Also, just to warn you guys if you haven't already seen, I've just heard that there are leaks for ep7/8 going about. Apparently amazon accidentally posted or released some stuff (I think they might have been episode stills) that they quickly took down. So, be careful out there on the interwebs Smile

On a lighter note, my husband just came home from the pub. I was playing AC Valhalla and caught him out the corner of my eye, like, dancing or something. He looked me dead in the eye and told me he was weaving.

I'm so proud.
(12-11-2021, 09:05 PM)Thalia Wrote: [ -> ]On a lighter note, my husband just came home from the pub. I was playing AC Valhalla and caught him out the corner of my eye, like, dancing or something. He looked me dead in the eye and told me he was weaving.

I'm so proud.

This is the first time I've ever really approved of him being worthy of you. *two thumbs up.

I'm liking the series. The warder scenes and attention on Lan's character is welcome. There's some issues here and there. But I'm good to sit back with the popcorn and enjoy. It's been a long time since I read the books anyway. I probably forgot so much that the details are *shrug.

Like all these side characters you are talking about being merged? I barely recognize the names. Like the Children of the Light. Some of the tertiary (or lower) characters. Hell I barely remember what some of the Forsaken were doing. Sammy? No memory of what trouble he was getting into out there. The only Forsaken I'm on the edge of my seat to see is Asmodean (and has nothing to do with any of my PC's not being Asmodean's soul), Lanfear and Moridin. 

Really excited to see Shienar.
Yeah, I picked a good one *grin*

I don’t actually remember all that much. The Whitecloaks in the books all merge a little into tall, gaunt antagonists for me, but I wiki’d Valda out of curiosity about the show portrayal. He’s not a Questioner in the books, but he works with Asunawa (who IS a Questioner, and number 1 torture guy) to assassinate Pedron Niall, so that was why I thought they’d been merged. I didn’t remember all those details, haha. I think we’ll see lots of streamlining there, because mostly the WCs are all about internal corruption and you don’t need a shit-ton of characters for that, just obvious factions. The only other one I’m certain we’ll see is Carridin (the darkfriend one) because he’s distinct in that he IS a darkfriend and all the others are just really bad men. But I only remember the names and things because I looked it up.

So, we know we’re getting LTT and Latra in flashback. Do you think we’ll see the prologue too? Because the best way I can think of for them to reveal flame guy as Ishy and not the DO is them showing that, so we can recognise him at the right moment. I won’t be surprised if his flamehead is a disguise rather than he is just mangled and insane from not being sealed properly (they could go the kill and resurrect route but it seems messy). Plus it introduces the idea that the Forsaken can disguise themselves.

And talking of Asmo, I also wonder if we might actually see a glimpse of both Lanfear and him. My guess is they’ll make it clear that the showdown results in all the Forsaken being released, but those two in particular we might actually see the identities/faces of (the viewers, not  necessarily Rand). They shared the plinth with Ishy’s statue I think (so we got a good look at them first), and both characters interact with Rand directly early on. Does Asmo actually do much of note before he is giftwrapped up for Rand? It would be a good opportunity to make sure viewers realise who Natael is later. And Lanfear is literally the mistress of disguise, so even if we see her face it doesn’t matter. I think Selene and other aliases will literally be other actors. It wouldn’t be a mad idea to set up the seeds of her obsession this early.

I would like to see that, anyway, haha.

Also, I half convinced myself that Logain’s voices were misdirection and may have been Forsaken influence and not just simple madness. Since Lanfear and Asmo were early BFFs I could see it as being them. This is assuming that in the show they have more ability to influence the outside world while sealed than they did in the books though –because if Lanfear was able, I can totally see her seeking out LTT by latching onto strong male channelers. They were trying to convince Logain to use his power (very Lanfear) and since Asmo is literally forced by her to help the dragon learn later on, it just seems like a good fit to me. 

It’s my favourite whacky theory, and I’m totally going to listen out if we hear any recognisable voices XD

By the way, they confirmed on twitter that women sensing other women channelers is different from the books, it sounds a lot more like how men recognise other men. I don’t mind them changing mechanics like that, but I wish they’d be upfront and work it in clearly in the show, because I assumed that Moiraine had felt the ability in both Egwene and Nynaeve (same for Liandrin’s interest in Nynaeve at the AS camp; she’s even upselling the Red Ajah to her). I thought that was the whole reason Moiraine sought out Nynaeve first in the Two Rivers! She recognised a strong channeler, but dismissed her as the dragon because of her age. Apparently not. The Hall scene where Moiraine claims not to have known Nynaeve was a channeler before she healed everyone was confusing from a book-reading perspective. They shouldn’t have to add explanations on social media, it should be clear in-world when they are making deviations like that, and not in a way that makes readers go huh?!

Ck, if you haven’t already seen this, I thought you would find it interesting. It’s a breakdown of who has had the most dialogue over the episodes so far:
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