The First Age

Full Version: Two years
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Pointing out something that Aiden pointed out to me. 

Jaxen, Sage and Aiden's thread to Ireland took about two years start to finish.
Then I realized that the hunt with Nox, Ascendancy, Marcus, Jay and the dominions has also been about 2 years start to finish.

Jay and the Dominions - my new band 

Good job, everyone. Fun threads and I'd do it all over again, but damn!  I'm glad we can move on. Hah!
Yes it's been a very long time lol
A couple of years seems about normal, haha.

Also: Nova *cries* omg Nox I am SCARRED.
Me too. I cried writing it.
zombie dog didn't make it. Poor Nox. *pat pat

You just have a good cry, buddy, and we'll see if we can think of something to distract you. *wink
haha. Yeah I knew that was coming. It really was only a matter of when. I knew I could count on Jay to make Nox's life a moral and emotional war as well as that physical one lol.

And now Raffe has gone all sickness while Nox was gone... yeah that doesn't add any stress to the situation at all lol. Just a whole bunch more shit to deal with
My jaw dropped slightly! The same amount of real-time passed for the first leg of the Rowan/Vale/Armande/Patricus adventure ^_^; We very well might be writing all of this on our death beds hahahahaha. Very thankful for you folks.