The First Age

Full Version: Monster Tracking
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Pages: 1 2
Is the harpie dead from Jensen's thread? Are we assuming it followed him to combing the grid?
Yes, that harpie is still alive.

I think there was a harpie in one of Nadia's posts too.
There were also the Jann/Ghul mentioned in Hood's bio. Think they were all killed, though. ?
Yep. Hood got the last couple before he was knocked out and rescued by the Atharim.
Should we add Dane to this list?

He is a monster, after all.

*has to stop laughing*

Dane or rather the mockingbird should go up on a crime list, not sure if this is that place... but hey I have no problem putting the Mockingbird up here lol.
Hah! Fair enough.

I think if Dane saw a real monster, he'd piss himself. Of course, that'd probably be the only sane reaction to something he's ever done.
lol. Probably, good thing he has a monster hunter to protect him now [Image: 18.png]
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