The First Age

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+The next day+

Jay made his way back to the hotel in the clarity of daylight. He cast a wary glance at the bar where he’d met Seven. The sight of early morning patrons sipping mimosas made him cringe; he wasn’t ready to face alcohol again, not yet.

He still wore Adrian's crumpled jacket upon entering his room, only to find his laundry neatly folded and the space tidied up. He swapped Adrian's jacket for his own attire, feeling more himself in a black v-neck, a casual collared shirt, jeans, and a jacket. Briefly, he considered sending a picture to Natalie to show he'd changed, but dismissed the idea as stupid.

Just as he was about to leave, a knock at the door caught him off guard. Adrian stood there, imposing and impatient.

“You miss me that much?” Jay quipped with a smirk.

Adrian snatched his jacket and pushed his way in.  “I have ran out of patience, Carpenter. Let’s do this now.”

“In here?” Jay raised an eyebrow, skeptical.

Adrian simply nodded.

Jay’s frown said this was a bad idea. Sighing, Jay fetched a soda and eyed Adrian.

“Alright. Drop your pants and show me what you got.” He smirked as he took a drink.

“Fuck you, Carpenter. Take this fucking seriously.”

Jay chuckled like he just couldn’t help himself. “Fine, fine.” He seized control of the magic and nodded in approval at Adrian’s visible reaction. “Good, you can feel it. Now you.”

Adrian’s strained focus gave Jay the impression that he was trying to squeeze out a black pickle, but he kept his amusement in check. A marine didn’t finish basic training if they couldn’t withstand taunting from their superiors. It took him a few moments, he approved of Adrian’s progress.

"Let's start simple. A fire spell, just a candle flame,” Jay instructed.

“You call them spells?” Adrian asked with disdain as a smooth, flickering flame appeared above Jay’s palm.

“Got a better word for it?” When none was offered, he continued. “There are different spells you can cast. Stretch out your mind. Ignore everything around us. Ignore breathing if you have to. Feel them. One should be hotter than the others. Focus on it, good... Now grab it and bend it into the flame.”

Suddenly, a massive fireball erupted between them. Reacting swiftly, Jay contained it, funneling the energy into the kitchen's granite countertop, leaving a charred mark on the ceiling.

Catching his breath, adrenaline surging, Jay eyed the damage. Adrian was staring at the same spot, surprised at the violence of his first creation.

Jay crossed his arms, and studied him. "That was... more than I expected," he admitted, a hint of respect in his voice. "Maybe we should take this outside.”

Adrian frowned.  “Like where? A parking garage?” The suggestion earned a contemplative look from Jay.

He walked to the window. Even at this height all they could see was city. “You got a point.” He scratched his neck thoughtfully as an idea came to mind. “Ever been camping?”

Adrian turned to look at him.  “You have to be joking.”
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