The name tugged at a brain cell but other than a possible connection he didn't draw any connections. But he was drawn into the man's presence. Much like his own orbit, Zixin pulled at the crowd around, confidence and respect exuded. Li smiled and fell in step as they walked towards Nhysa. "My darling, We seemed to monopolize all the time. Do forgive me. I owe you and for the terms I submit to a loss, since I did not get to face my lovely darkness." He winked knowing that their spars usually ended in one thing or another and a win for Nhysa would put her in favor overall, but he wasn't far behind.
Li pulled away from his latest opponent and pulled a card from his bag. "While not the Red Star. Stop by sometime and see some of my trophies." Li was not bragging, nor was he indicating fighting trophies as he kicked the Oni tooth hanging from the strap of his bag.
Kao was like a puppy, prancing all over her paws seeking a reaction to all those sultry glances and winks. But he would be disappointed; he was unlikely to get a rise from Li, even corralling him like a plaything with that thick arm strung about his neck. She could tell Li liked him regardless.
For Nhysa’s part, she knew the name, though her face did not betray it. She kept enough of an ear to Moscow’s shadows to hear all about that particular big splash, but if Li visited those dark places sometimes, they were not of the same world. She preferred it that way. Li showed no indication he understood who Kao was, though she did not think it would take him long to put the pieces together. The Custody condoned its shadowy underworld, and Nhysa had no problem with it. Nor did she concern herself with pandering to power. All men died the same, whatever illusion of control they amassed to themselves.
She made a tsk at Li’s apology but did not seem mortally wounded. It was not like she hadn’t had free reign to intrude upon the spar if she’d wished. Instead she only watched to see if Kao would make anything of the tooth decorating Li’s bag.
Zixin could have gagged on the endearing names that Li hurled left and right. Shit. 'Dark Flower' didn’t have a name?
He slipped the card into the waist band of his shorts, barely glancing at it. The flashy tiger tooth swung, and a smug nod communicated that he noticed the less than subtle attention grab.
“Consider it done.” He lied through his teeth. One celebrity sighting was fun for the day, but he wasn’t that hard up for a good time. No way did he intend to tour the dojo on the promise to see any kind of teeth. However, he shared his contact information back to Li in turn. It was only good manners, and sweeping contacts into his circle was as natural as breathing for Zixin.
Then he hit the showers.
He wasn't impressed and Li shrugged, Kao's departure drew his attention back to Nhysa. He smiled brightly and wrapped his hand around her hip and pulled her close.
"I do believe he was unimpressed. His loss." He leaned in and brushed his nose against Nhysa's ear and whispered.
"My dearest Nhysa, double or nothing?" He grinned at her.
"Or we can find some sustenance and other entertainment venues."
[[ ooc: I love that he noticed the VERY intentional usage of endearments

Nhysa waited for the interaction to be over. She had no real desire to be swept into the vicinity of Li’s celebrity, though it was not shyness that held her tongue so still. Given the nature of Kao’s business, it was likely she’d see him again, though perhaps not to his awareness. An eye to the currents of the underworld was within her remit, but she never interfered unless she was directed to. Kao was brash. He wouldn’t slip quietly into the scenery. Perhaps it would prove interesting.
“I think he was offended, dear one,” she said, amused. Men liked to feel the tickle of recognition upon their egos afterall. She drew closer at the pull on her hip, and there was hunger as he brushed his whispers into her ear. Li was sheened with sweat from the spar, and it fired her blood. Lust flashed the gaze she latched to his, and the smile promised he was wrong to think she would not claim all those things from him today, but for now she answered with violence.
Violence. Food. And a night of passion. Li liked the rest of their entertainment docet. He always had the best times with Nhysa.
[[ooc: not much more to do I guess. I do like their dates ]]