I hope this isn't considered bumping... but for a long time i've been obsessed with prophecies. I studied them and started seeing paterns, and then something happened, i woke up and started writing down some scribbles that might be mistaken for prophecies.
If you're interested i could send you some?
With the exclusion of the prophecies provided, additional verbiage may be written at our leisure. Although if it is particularly specific, I would suggest discussing it with Apollyon himself, first.
In regards to the talk of the 2 Witnesses, I hoped to be involved as the one that "resurrects" (aka, heal) them.
In my most recent post in Vatican City, I finally issued the pope his name. It is meant to be a reflection of the potential Pope Peter II, following St. Peter himself. It is said according to the following prophecy, that Petrus II will be pope during the Apocalypse. The Name Patricus is meant to be a potential reflection upon Petrus.
You may read more about these prophecies
Here, (wikipedia). But what follows is the relevant selection from the page that I intend to incorporate into the various prophecies we've encountered so far in the RP.
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Petrus Romanus
In recent times, some interpreters of prophetic literature have drawn attention to the prophecies due to their imminent conclusion; if the list of descriptions is matched on a one-to-one basis to the list of historic popes since the prophecies' publication, Benedict XVI (2005-2013) would correspond to the second to last of the papal descriptions, Gloria olivae (the glory of the olive).
The longest and final prophecy predicts the Apocalypse:[14]
In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit.
Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus, quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & judex tremendus judicabit populum suum. Finis.
This may be translated into English as:
In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.
Several historians and interpreters of the prophecies note that they leave open the possibility of unlisted popes between "the glory of the olive" and the final pope, "Peter the Roman". In the Lignum Vitae, the line In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. forms a separate sentence and paragraph of its own. While often read as part of the "Peter the Roman" prophecy, other interpreters view it as a separate, incomplete sentence explicitly referring to additional popes between "the glory of the olive" and "Peter the Roman".
In my most recent post as well, in Vatican City, I elude to the symbolic opposition between the Regus and Pope as well that has been building since the introduction of Regus' biography. That is, the balance between the flesh and spirit, past and future, light and dark. Even our attire reflects this balance. One that I hope will eventually become the inspiration for the 2nd Age's black and white symbol of Aes Sedai. Ironic, I know, but all part of my grand plan for the Atharim, Regus, and Pope.
![[Image: 22a6666f-4205-4bf1-968a-547156c3e50a_zpsff8d7914.jpg]](http://i1334.photobucket.com/albums/w643/thefirstage/22a6666f-4205-4bf1-968a-547156c3e50a_zpsff8d7914.jpg)
In my reading to prepare for
this thread with Tony, I had an epiphany.
According to the Atharim prophecy:
Apollyon will be marked by The Mark of the Slain Beast. Clearly that's Ascendancy's scarred ouroboros tattoo.
The Mark of the Beast is a mark of an actual beast (the ouroboros).
According to Revelation:
Apollyon will be the forerunner for The Beast (the Antichrist) that arises from the Abyss unlocked by Apollyon's key.
So Apollyon does something that instigates the rising of the Antichrist.
Also according to Rev.
The Antichrist will rule over a kingdom that stretches across the globe. In order to be a part of this kingdom, they must bear The Mark of The Beast.
Thus my epiphany......
The Antichrist is Regus.
The Atharim is the kingdom stretching across the world that must bear HIS MARK to be in. Regus even killed a member of his own kingdom that would not obey him (in that early 'A Lesson' thread).
He frequently compares himself as the opposite to the pope, the Vicar of Christ. He is black where the pope is white. He is, literally, the Antichrist.
Wow. That's some heavy shit right there bro.
*pat pat.
Andrew you're a grunt. Nobody actually expects you to get what's going on.
A grunt fighting for FREEDOM! Murica.
Only throwing this out there.
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"Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is measles of mankind."
-Albert Einstein
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"Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about."
-Mark Twain
Nations are temporary. Focus on humanity as a whole. Might I say,
"The wheel of time turns, and nations come and go" ?
So ends today's lesson.
Food for thought!