11-07-2024, 09:36 PM
Although it was obscured by a mask, a familiar face came into view. He had been visited twice by this man: first in a dream and second on a dare.
“Adrian, I didn’t realize you were connected to the Vasilievs.” He offered to shake the man’s hand, but it was quick and not overly friendly. Adrian quietly threatened him the last time they met, not outright, but the potential was implied. At the time, Nikolai was willing to satiate the man’s request to be rid of him. He should have known he would want more.
Perhaps another tactic was in order. “How have your classes been going?” The inquiry regarded dabbling in the power, for which he had sent one of the Dominions. Not even Michael was aware that Jay had such an assignment. It was strictly kept between the three of them because Adrian was a tool that Nikolai was not yet willing to test.
“Adrian, I didn’t realize you were connected to the Vasilievs.” He offered to shake the man’s hand, but it was quick and not overly friendly. Adrian quietly threatened him the last time they met, not outright, but the potential was implied. At the time, Nikolai was willing to satiate the man’s request to be rid of him. He should have known he would want more.
Perhaps another tactic was in order. “How have your classes been going?” The inquiry regarded dabbling in the power, for which he had sent one of the Dominions. Not even Michael was aware that Jay had such an assignment. It was strictly kept between the three of them because Adrian was a tool that Nikolai was not yet willing to test.