The First Age

Full Version: Gifts
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Nox had been gone for several days now.  Sage tracked his movements and he was safely in London and from what he could tell Nox was hooking up with a cute bartender.  Nox knew how best to hid the phone so he couldn't see anything so Sage didn't bother trying.  It was the one bad thing with a person knowing he was there.  The moments to watch things was limited by their knowledge -- it sucked but whatever.

But along with staying connected Sage had promised to watch out for two little girls who lived at the church he'd been to with Cruz.  The one Raffe knew the guy and Cruz pissed off.  It wasn't in the greatest part of town.  But it didn't bother Sage as he walked from the train station.  He'd told Aiden he was going for a walk -- he did.  He walked to the train station.  It wasn't a lie and it wasn't like he was hiding anything.  Aiden just stood out in places like this -- his being famous didn't help Sage blend in.  And Sage wanted to blend in.

Getting robbed right now would be a bad thing -- though he could easily find the stolen goods.  All of it had trackers in it.  And he'd already installed his software and a bunch of other things.  Most notably some kid friendly games and because Sage knew Nox a few learning things.  One of them was even an instructional on how to do Karate and Tai Chi.  Sage knew Nox was teaching one of the girls how to fight.  He didn't remember which one, but it didn't matter.

Sage pulled open the doors to the church and was surprised by the number of people still living there. Sage wasn't one to fix things for people he didn't care about, but he knew Nox felt bad.  But there was nothing either of them could do.  Some homeless people just didn't know how to do anything else.  But these kids?  Why wouldn't they find a home?  Nox would gladly take them in.  Like he does every one else even if he doesn't have a home.  He took him in.  Sage was grateful for their friendship, even it was a bit strange looking in from the outside.

The girls were huddled in a corner and Sage had never met them.  He approached slowly with a bright smile.  One of the girls stood up and in front of the other. "I'm not here to hurt you.  I'm a friend of Nox's and I have a gift  for each of you."

He held out two decent wallets for the girls.  "You know Nox is away, right.  I have his number right here.  And he has your numbers.  He sent you both an image to prove that I'm who I say I am." The image on the screens was of Nox with a pink bunny riding on a train.  He captioned it. 'Thinking of you both'.  Each picture phone had their names at the top.  

The little girl behind the other darted forward and grabbed the wallet with 'Morgan' on the picture.  "Why would you give us this?"

"So you can keep in touch with Nox.  And so he can see you are alright.  He really cares about you and wants you safe.  I'd take you with me, but I don't know what my boyfriend would think of me bringing home two girls."  Aiden would probably love them, but Sage didn't want to be responsible for two little girls -- he wasn't Nox.  His heart didn't bleed for them like his friends.  And to be fair he had enough trouble taking care of himself and Aiden.
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