The First Age

Full Version: Totally Family [Three Trinities Haven Church]
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He was right. He didn't really know what he wanted. Wasn't that what your twenties was supposed to be about. College was boring. They weren't teaching him anything new. And none of the classes offered him anything he wanted to know. He already had a job. But it looked better if the heir had a college degree. His father had not finished, he became Atharim and then joined the CCDPD. It had been a secret until Nox told the family about the Atharim. Revealed his father's hidden secrets. Secrets even Christian knew. He didn't trust his own son. It still irked him.

Cruz had ambitions, knew exactly what he wanted to do. But that was different than what he was feeling now. Things were going well with the work he and Sage were doing -- mostly Sage these days he had to admit, he'd been lost in the fog of whatever this was. The flash of the disk that brought him to this very place caught his attention and the question Ezekiel asked drew his eyes to the man flipping the coin in the air.

Second chances came rarely. And he hadn't expected it of this, but he nodded his head. He truly believed that whatever it was he was ready to let go of his past and become whatever it was he was supposed to do in the future. "Yes. Yes I would. Whatever you need." Cruz didn't really remember what was offered, but if it put an end to all of it, or begin something new -- he knew he had to take it.
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