The First Age

Full Version: Thank You All You Wonderful People
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Hey all! Specifically you chat folks. I wanted to reach out to you guys because you’re all pretty amazing people and since I’m at work I can’t really be in chat long, but can use my real to type this message. You guys know the past few days have been rough for me. It still kind of is - don’t really know what’s going on in my head right now, but due to some encouragement, I’m reaching out to counseling to try to figure that out. I just wanted to say thanks for putting up with the mood shifts I’ve had and for being supportive. Most of you will probably say you didn’t really do anything, but you were there and listened. And that means a lot to me. I always feel welcomed here. I’m so glad to be back.
As always, it's good to have you here, and we will always listen Smile

I'm glad you are reaching out for help. *hugs*