The First Age

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Marisol Guerro

Age: 24

Origin: Moscow

Occupation: CCDPD Detective

Psychological Description:  Kind and sweet - fiercely loyal to her police brothers and sisters - Very by the book as a cop - following those in authority.  Eager to please. She is intelligent and promoted fast - a promotion she was not sure she was ready for (she is actually capable) but this sometimes causes her to second guess her decisions

Physical Description:  5’6” dark hair, hazel eyes. Thin with a runner’s build

Supernatural Abilities: Dreamwalker with the ability to learn to channel


Marisol was born to Fernando and Alejandra Guerro in Havana, Cuba in 2022.  The couple had trouble conceiving and finally had their miracle baby.  Concerned with the state of the world at that time and wanting to raise their child in a stable environment, her parents made the decision to immigrate to Russia - the place in the world that seemed the most stable. 
Marisol grew up in Moscow, and had a happy childhood.  Her parents were lower middle-class, but they always made do.  Her father would work extra hours or her mother would sell crafts around Marisol’s birthday and Christmas to get her a special gift.  Even if her friends got more than she did, she never felt jealous of this, knowing her parent’s gifts always came from the heart.

As a teenager, Marisol began to have strange dreams. The first time she entered the World of Dreams was at the age of thirteen.  She knew this place was different from other dreams.  The light in it seemed eerie.  Her clothing kept changing on her.  It was eerily quiet.  This place scared her.  In fear, she ran, not knowing why.  There was nothing to run from, but as she ran, she tripped and fell, breaking her arm on a rock. This woke her up screaming.  Her parents came to her bedroom to see their daughter on the floor, holding a broken arm.  They took her to the hospital, but could never get an answer from her as to what happened.  Marisol always told them she didn’t know, afraid that if her parents found out, they’d think she was crazy.

As her teenage years went on, Marisol learned more about this dream world. The most important parts were how to leave it and how to keep herself from getting her.  She can maintain her own image, and remember she is in a dream, but the opportunities she has with her abilities have escaped her knowledge.

At sixteen, Marisol was looking at a photo album and ran across a picture of a man in a policeman’s uniform.  When Marisol asked about it, her father told her that it was his father, Pedro, and told her stories of his exploits as a cop in Havana.  Marisol was inspired by these stories and made the decision to go to Police Academy after school.  At 18, she enrolled, and joined the CCDPD as a patrolwoman.  Very intelligent and quick at putting puzzles together, she excelled.  At the age of 24, she was offered a promotion to Detective.  Without thinking, she took the position, but now that she has it, she is uncertain if she should have.  She feels she may have been promoted too fast, and her confidence has suffered. Embarrassed to bring this up to her Captain, she has not done so, instead she is continuing to try her best.