11-19-2024, 11:51 AM
![[Image: BenMendelsohnToCatchAKiller1-300x300.jpg]](https://abovetheline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/BenMendelsohnToCatchAKiller1-300x300.jpg)
Peter Andersen
Entering his home, Peter saw that Elsa was sitting down, a book in hand, reading quietly. He hung up his coat, the winter chill was sweeping over the port town of Helsingor, but his hunt had gone well. He had cleaned up at headquarters, but there was something on his mind. His daughter had remained quiet for sometime, and truth be told, he was beginning to worry.
"Elsa, have you heard from Elyse?" he asked. He was always right to the point.
A moment passed "I have not - still nothing."
Peter paused in thought. It wasn't like Elsa to hesitate - especially where Elyse was concerned. "I called her today - it said her number wasn't a working number anymore."
"Elsa, have you heard from Elyse?" he asked. He was always right to the point.
A moment passed "I have not - still nothing."
Peter paused in thought. It wasn't like Elsa to hesitate - especially where Elyse was concerned. "I called her today - it said her number wasn't a working number anymore."
Peter watched his wife as she responded, looking for anything else that might seem odd. "I've been trying too - I've gotten nothing." She had raised her book as he said this covering more of her mouth, and she hadn't looked at him as she said this.
"You're lying," he said, matter of factly.
"Why would I lie? I'm concerned about her too."
"I don't think you're lying about that. I think you've spoken to her," he approached her, his face grim and pulled the book from her hand. "When and why are you hiding this?"
There was fear in Elsa's eyes. Yes, his wife knew what he was capable of. "She's my little girl..." Her voice was weak and afraid. Peter didn't respond, just waited for more. "She called - I didn't know the number - it was encrypted. She's...
"In hiding? Peter finished. "Is she one of these...godlings" he said the last word with contempt as he closed in, preventing his wife from escaping her chair.
"No," she flinched as his gazed hardened even more. "She's not - I swear...she's...
"Tell me," he spoke softly, but the coldness in his voice scared Elsa more than anything.
"A wolfkin..." she said quietly, hanging her head in shame.[/color]
Fire burned in Peter's eyes. His daughter. An animal. He pushed on his wife's shoulder, holding her to the chair as he came around the back. "Please don't...she's my little girl...please... Elsa begged for her daughter's life.
"For what I must do, I'm sorry," he said as he began to wrap his arms around her neck.
"Elyse, I'm so sorry..." Elyse said and then she felt the restriction on her wind pipe as her husband began to dole out the Atharim's justice.
His wife was a traitor. She couldn't see the big picture beyond her love for her daughter. Peter could understand that a little bit. He loved Elyse too, but true love told him that he had to make sure she didn't succumb to her curse, and there was only one way to do that.
Elsa was buried, and her death, reason of death, and his role in it was reported to the Atharim. His wife had been a traitor, and that was taken care of. Now Peter had another mission. It was his daughter. He would do the deed himself. He would go to Moscow. His daughter was a hunter, and Peter knew she could hide well, but he would find her.