Hey - I think you’re cute. Not taking it back this time. I’m going to respect your boundaries though. I’m really looking forward to giving you a tour of Moscow sometime. It should be a lot of fun!
I'm flattered and grateful. And my prior comment still stands drunk or not. 
Maybe on your next day off you can take me to the rumored Romani Carnival. I hear they have ice-skating and a coffee shop across from the rink.
As friends.
Anna smiled at his response. Glad he had responded and positively.
Awwww *blushes*
I would be glad to take you! You must promise me though not to laugh when I inevitably fall on my ass! Dancer’s grace doesn’t apply to skates XD
Still it sounds fun! Let’s do that - as friends of course.
Let me know when. I don't expect to be anymore graceful than that. Never been.
Well won’t we be a spectacle! A cute guy and beautiful woman tripping over each other :-D
Free Sunday/Monday -Any preference?
Sunday is better. No interviews to take up my time. I'll meet you there, by the tarot reading?
Perfect! See you there! 2:00 PM?