The First Age

Full Version: A Normal Night?
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Enrique led her to the living room and turned on the television. They flipped on a movie - some comedy show, but neither one really paid a whole lot of attention to it. They got lost in conversation. Ricky talked about his days as a gunslinger before he became Ataharim and opened a bar in Mexico City. She told him how her parents moved to Moscow because they wanted to raise her someplace stable and how she found out her grandfather was a cop and that inspired her to follow. Enrique would refill their beers once and then they settled into watching.

Marisol had grown quiet and then suddenly Enrique had felt the weight of her head on his shoulder. She had fallen asleep. He smiled and moved carefully not to wake her, working himself out from under her. He grabbed a pillow and a blanket, and lifted her head gently to place the pillow there and then covered her with the blanket. He shut the tv off and headed to his own room to sleep. He wondered if she woke first if she would stay or leave. They had exchanged numbers already and it had been her idea to do so, so he felt as if he had at least made a friend. No matter what, it had been a good night. Marta had been right. He had needed this.
Marisol awoke the next morning and was surprisingly well rested considering she had slept on a couch. She must have been more tired than she had thought. She didn’t remember having fallen asleep, nor did she remember Enrique leaving. Marisol stood and stretched, checking the time as she did so. Not too early, but still early enough.

Marisol went to the kitchen and hoped Enrique wouldn’t mind if she made some eggs for breakfast. Based on what she knew, she didn’t think so. She poured herself a juice and started cooking. Enrique came into the kitchen a few minutes later.

”Good morning,” she said with a smile. ”Hope you don’t mind me making breakfast.”

Enrique didn’t respond verbally, but gave her a shake of the head that indicated he was fine with it. It seemed like Enrique wasn’t a morning person. She smirked at him and added more eggs as Enrique began making coffee, pouring himself a cup when it was done. The hot beverage seemed to perk him up a bit.

Marisol finished the eggs, and put some in front of him, and he thanked her politely. ]”You’re very welcome, Innkeeper! I do have a complaint though; the bed was a little small!” she gave him a grin.

He laughed. ”Sorry - didn’t want to wake you.”

Marisol chuckled. ”Not a problem. Hey - so where’s the girl you take care of? Should I make her something too?” Marisol hadn’t thought about it until this morning.

”Shes staying with a friend - so no need today. That’s why I had some free time last night.”

Marisol nodded in understanding. ”Well, I’m glad you had a night off. I had a good time.”

He smiled at her. Marisol liked his smile. ”I did too…on that note…I’d love to see you again. My schedule can be a little crazy with Marta, but I’d love to take you out for dinner sometime.”

Marisol smiled. ”Id like that too. It’s a to be determined date!”

The pair moved on into more conversation enjoying their breakfast. They exchanged numbers before Marisol had to leave. It had been a fun night, and even if nothing more developed, Marisol was glad for the friendship.
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