The First Age

Full Version: The Hunt Begins
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Three days.  The trip to Moscow had taken Peter three days.  A trip that should have been about three hours by plane had taken him three days of driving.  In that time, Peter had to deal with frozen accounts, additions to the no-fly list, interviews, and searches at every border crossing.  It had been a frustrating journey, but Peter was finally in Moscow.  It was a large city with a large population.  Hiding would be easy, but he would find her.

Peter's troubles in getting here were strange, and he was certain Elyse had something to do with it.  He had no idea how she had found out.  She had disappeared from the Atharim's radar and hadn't checked in since shortly after she had arrived in Moscow.  It was possible their was a leak in the Atharim.  Reborn gods, unchecked monsters acting as humans, and their were likely traitors in their midst.  His wife had become one. Empathy wasn't something the Atharim could afford right now.  They had to remain vigilant to keep the cancer from infecting them.  It was what humanity needed.  It was a lead he could pursue after dealing with the wolf girl.

Right now, all Peter wanted was a hot meal so he went to a nice restaurant and ordered a vegetarian pasta.   With his own daughter being a carnivorous beast, he couldn't bring himself to order something with meat.  He would have to deal with the girl before his appetites came back.  His order arrived and he contemplated his plans as he ate.  First he could go to HQ and procure some weapons.  Then his research would begin.  Usually Elsa took care of such matters, but she had betrayed their cause.  It meant he would be slower, but he was persistent.  She was here in this city, and he would find her.  He wasn't devoid of mercy.  She would have one chance to surrender herself to the Atharim's justice.  If she did not, then he would take care of it.  It was, after all, his responsibility.