The First Age

Full Version: Roogie's hidey hole
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Anything you guys want to do specifically so I don't mess it up?

I was basically just saving Aria by tying a Rougarou to the wall, then sneaking in to find Jax and earless while you guys fight.
Nothing specific. Though i think hood wants his lighter back? Wouldn't mind seeing him.
Sounds good, I'll just roll with whatever.
Shouldn't be too hard to swing a way for Hood to stumble across Jaxen, at least briefly. Need to keep Hood too busy to get involved with Michael's rescue efforts, just for ease of everyone parting ways before Drayson and his team show up.
should we jump into Jax's thread, he can't actually move so it's no likely he's going to bump into us?
Suppose that would make sense, right? Have everyone's threads converge into Jaxen's, since he set the initial scene and is where it'll all go down in the end anyway.
sounds good.
Alright. I posted and am up to speed in timeline.

Sorry Hood, if you're looking for alpha male, you're going to have to come find him. Best hurry, he probably won't be down long.

The end of my post should be meant to take place at the moment one of lot walks in. Michael if its you who walks in first, shoot me a PM before you post. If its the girls, Jax will probably decide your 'good guys' and follow you out. If its hood first, well expect a lot of shock and swearing.
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