The First Age

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Andrew Mitchell
[align=left]As Mrs. Shale's personal assistant, Andrew had essentially taken over the company during her honeymoon.  In reality, things pretty much ran themselves and mostly, he did a lot of the work anyway.  Mrs. Shale wasn't lazy, but she trusted people to do their jobs and do them well.  He just kept her on track.  He had worked with the Shale's since they laid the first brick, and that hadn't changed with the death of Emily's parents.

Emily was back though and Andrew wanted to make sure that she was ready to come back into her role.  She entered her office and he had a coffee ready for her - just the way she liked it.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Shale," he said, a bright smile on his face. "How was Italy."

"It was abosolutley wonderful, and you've known me since I was a little girl.  How many times do I have to tell you to call me Emily." It was their typical interaction.

"As always, at least one more time, Mrs. Shale."

Emily gave him a grin.  She enjoyed the familiar banter. "Fine - I'll deal with it for now. How's Daniel."

Andrew smiled at the mention of his husband. "Very well, he of course sends his regards.

"I'm glad. Now - get me caught up.  Any fires to put out."

The gears shifted fast to work mode. "None at all.  Everything ran smoothly. I only have a couple of things for you to deal with.  The Board discussed upgrading our security in the building and feels that now is a time to do so.  They've given you control of deciding what.  I took the liberty of doing some research.  Her is my recommendation." He handed her some pages.

She flipped through them. "Durante Securities. Thoughts?

"They have a good reputation - solid company to do business with. Very professional."

Emily nodded. "Call them up - let's get a quote. Something else?"

"Ana Vega contacted us - wants to discuss a charity with you. Second Chances."

Emily smiled at that. "Set up the meeting," she said.

Andrew nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Shale." He turned to follow her instructions.