The First Age

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Many tales over the ages speak of a woman scorned who has her terrible revenge in one form or another. This is the idea of a great beauty twisted by hatred and spoiled by evil, and is thus diminished for it. These women are often known as queens of darkness, terrifying sorceresses, miscreant fairies, or evil witches. They often have a female rival, these women, and a man who has wronged her, broken a promise, or discarded her for another. The stories of these women cross time and culture, but reflect the same horrid virtue: a lust for power, and in the history of womankind, power is born from beauty.

A witch in the Arthurian legend known as Hellawes was one such woman. She died of a broken heart after being rejected by Lancelot’s love.

In Hebrew mythology, the first wife of Adam, Lilith, claimed to be his equal and when they quarrelled she left in a rage, eventually spawning innumerable demons which continue to plague mankind to this day.

But what passes as history into legend and legend into myth, eventually fades to nothing more than mere fairy tale, all linked by the same characteristics. A vengeful lust for power, a quest to be the fairest in the land, and the wielding of dark magic.

The story of the princess Fiorimonde was one about the daughter of a king who used an evil witch to turn herself into the fairest woman in all the land. This princess used a magical artifact, a necklace, to maintain her ascension over others.

Through the use of witchcraft, a queen sometimes known as Grimhilde, lusts to slay the beauteous rival which was prophesied to unseat her power. The fairy tale was based on the ancient celtic tale of Gold-Tree and Silver-Tree, but in the germanic tale, a magical artifact, a mirror, aids the queen’s magic.

There are some fairy tales, however, so old that even the names of the women involved shift, fade, or have been lost forever.

One ancient fairy tale, perhaps the most fantastical of them all, is the tale of seven fairies invited to be godmothers to an infant princess. However, an eighth wicked fairy, overlooked and forgotten by the king and queen, curses the child princess, known as Talia, d’Aurora, or Briar Rose, with prophetic death at her sixteenth year of age. The wicked fairy has come to be known as “the Mistress of all Evil,” but her true name was long ago lost to the turning of time. In the folklore of modern storytelling, her identity was assigned the following name, a portmanteau of her greatest characteristics: malevolent and magnificent, and thus, is only known to us as the figure, Maleficent.


Spectra has the shape of a supermodel. Tall with legs that run for a mile. Her sensuality is physical, but it is also carnal. She is confident and direct, and entertains no possibility of rivals vying for another’s attention. She has been betrayed too many times to trust anyone but herself, but that is not to say her loyalty cannot be bought; in fact, it has been. With sultry cinnamon hair, coppery skin and mint green eyes that pierce the clouds,, she is easily the most beautiful woman in the room. But it is a mysterious elegance that she adorns like a diadem. She is a celebrity only to those exposed to the underworld of seduction: video, print, and the runway. To everyone else, Spectra Lin is a face to shame them into subservience. She has a larger than life smile and volcanic personality. Her laugh is infectious, though often aimed at others. She moves with all the heat and passion of a Latina born, but also with the languid, cat-like tease of which her Egyptian ancestors once worshipped. To them, Spectra would have been a queen, a goddess, worshipped by the Pharaohs and Kings of old.


Spectra has been channeling since the age of eighteen. It began shortly after the betrayal by those whom she trusted which left her homeless and desperate. The first time it happened, she was afraid, tired, and angry. All the emotions which left her to duck from shadow to shadow, half afraid to be seen and half hoping to land a good enough job to eat the next day, boiled into this one moment. She couldn’t take it anymore: his sweaty gut; his vice-like grip; the stink of his cock. His heart stopped then and there, his filthy body crumpled to a bulbous shape at her feet, and Spectra stood calm and thoughtful, cringing at the stink collapsed before her, and fully aware of what she’d done - after all, she’d felt his heart throbbing hard in her mind as that which he pressed against her legs. She rearranged her dress afterward and rummaged for the cash he’d promised her. Of course he had none, and Spectra spit away the blood in her mouth in disgust. A week later, she huddled feverish and sick in her hole, but there was nobody to check on her, nobody to report her, nobody to care. Not until the Americans came, and by then, she was well adept at squeezing the life out of a man when she wanted. They put her to good use.


Spectra Lin was born Lola Fatima Cruz, the daughter of a middle-powered lord in the Gulf Cartel based in Havana and a sultry, egyptian heiress from Cairo. For such a small island, Cuba was the mighty hub of trafficking, with shipments from West Africa and South America converging on the waterways on route to the US eastern seaboard. Her father played a dangerous game. On one hand, his power rose quietly alongside the violent rivals in the area, namely the Garces and Zambada families. While Manuel Cardenas Cruz gained an international reputation for brutality and murder, his traffickers posed as legitimate businessmen who regularly traveled in and out of Egypt, Senegal and Nigeria. Such was how the brash young Manuel found, and fell obsessively in love with, Lola’s sultry mother. This unique criminal enterprise initially involved itself in counterfeiting and kidnapping, but over the course of time expanded into high-stakes smuggling and muling rather than production, not to mention participation in a thriving sex trade. Especially in and out of CCD nations which maintains an illegal stance against pedophilia, defined as youths less than seventeen years of age, despite their widespread legalization of prostitution.

Manuel was an ambitious man, and while his rivals seemed to underestimate this middling threat in their midst, the US did not. Of all the capos, he was the only one who also an asset of the CIA, in exchange for their turning a blind eye to his movements in business interests, he allowed the CIA usage of a dirt airstrip on the outskirts of his land for movement and points of contact in and out of the area. Of course, eventually he was discovered, and with blood in the water, the Garces and Zambada families conspired to disassemble this traitor. When two US federal agents were found dead on Manuel’s lands, the working relationship with the United States ended in violent bloodshed.

Young Lola, a young child at the time, was sold into the very sex trade her father operated. She was just another girl, though a fiery, bright eyed, and striking one, but anonymous nonetheless. Though not so young that she does not remember her life in Cuba, the presence of her parents, or the languages they taught her.

In this underworld, a diamond in the rough is rarely found, but when discovered, she becomes coveted for the jewel she is: pure profit carved from perfect flesh. At eleven years of age, she was bought by a Colombian who liked to “adopt” the online faces advertised as perfection, and Spectra was layered with the intensity for which she was groomed. She was a woman at this seemingly young age, and met her new ‘family’ in a body clinging gown, mature curls cascading her hair, and the careless gaze of pale green eyes, piercing and daring against her coppery skin. Online she easily passed for a CCD legal, but in Colombia, it hardly mattered. Especially when floating from room to room. By thirteen, she was a carrot dangled to entice Americans and Custody officials alike. Her charms wooed prime ministers, generals, and CEO’s, anyone and everyone with the balls to duck through the Colombian crossfire and strike a deal with the country’s most powerful.

Power exploded around her. She endured the threats of hitmen. She watched lieutenants rise and fall. She witnessed women beloved by their followers launder profits through legitimate channels. She realized the buyoffs her world purchased. And more to the point, she didn’t care about any of it. No more than whatever was aimed directly at her at least. The world beyond the fields and fences of her life was pure fantasy. Unreachable as the bright sun in the sky. Pure fantasy. Ambition to Spectra was only what she could hold in the palm of her hand: whether it be diamond earrings or a member capable of actually pleasing her for once, although the latter was far rarer than any diamond. It wasn’t until she was a sultry, experienced eighteen year old that she finally realized her scope on life was far too narrow.

Although she was unaware, her life was about to come full circle. She was in Bogotá when she was first approached. By CCD agents. Aiding their cause meant nothing to her. Bringing down the largest cartel in the country meant nothing to her. She was not a nun, nor was she a samaritan. Spectra was the personification of purchased loyalty. On that day, she became a mercenary; one of charm and seduction. It would take six months before she earned her payoff. A triumph which had nothing to do with money caught in the breeze. On that day, the CCD cleared the path of old adversaries, but with the head cut from the monster, a dozen more sprung in its place, crawling and grasping to fill the void. On that day, Spectra won what she finally wanted--

--the world.

Freedom was a drug to her. Yet at this terribly ignorant age, she expected the CCD would live up to the promises they made. To set her up abroad. To give her money. A way out of the den of slavery and advance into the glamour of celebrity.

She never heard from them again.

Destitute and poor, having traded a slave’s life of silk, jewels and food for a liberty of starvation, wounds, pornography and rape, Spectra often regretted making such a deal with the devil. Until a second devil knocked on her door - ‘door’ being an optimistic word for the blanket draped over a tin box.

They introduced themselves as Americans, agents or soldiers, Spectra didn’t care, but unlike the previous deal that left her vile and bitter, she demanded retribution up front before giving up a single detail of the Custody’s interests in Colombia. It was clear to the Agents that this slumbering snake was full of poison, but she was clearly available to strike at their enemies for the right price.

America could not grant her amnesty in their nation, but they could give her something better.


She was suddenly “discovered” by a New York talent recruiter. Headhunters for the modeling industry on location in the jungles of Colombia. The coppery skinned, dark haired, green eyed jungle beauty was flown into a whole new world after that. Spectra sold herself once more, but to the adoring eyes of fans not to the hands of vicious customers. Her career took on rapid momentum, and within a year she was walking the streets of Moscow - the pinnacle for any such career. Every so often she is continually contacted by those same American agents, only one of which is from the original team that purchased her loyalty - thin as it is, the other, she was told died in Dominance V.

The scope of her ambition has certainly grown. Spectra Lin has access to the most privileged of circles. She comes from a mysterious past, which all assume blossomed since her career began in New York. She otherwise has no birth certificate, no identity, and no genetic past. She was an orphan as far as anyone knows, an orphan which survived hell, and is determined to never surrender to it again.

She continues to model, or dance, or star in adult film, though for world-class fees. On nights she graces the live stage, the theater sells out. Her company is never turned down, and she has been seen on the arm of the CCD elite, dating the city’s nouveau riche, and rumored to have been invited to the Kremlin itself; although that last is pure speculation. There is something deep and ancient to Spectra - who rather than labelled as a slut, porn star, or escort, her elegance and poise comes from somewhere within, somewhere magnificent.


Name: Spectra Lin, born Lola Fatima Cruz.

Date of birth: 2020

Place of birth: Havana, Cuba

Lineage: Cuban and Egyptian

Languages: Spanish and English

Profession: Adult industry and model, American informer

Channeler: With an innate ability to kill, probably also to Heal.

Reborn figure: The Mistress of all Evil, Maleficent. A very early figure from the Age of Gods, the 5th Age, and instrumental in channelers arising over non-channelers as rulers, with a particular hatred of her chief rival in both beauty, strength, and charm. Her associated figure is a dragon. Colors are red, black, and purple.
Edited by Spectra Lin, Aug 30 2013, 02:41 PM.
Spectra Lin was discovered in Colombia by New York City modeling head hunters taking an unusual stop in Bogota en route from Buenos Aires to Dallas. She was 19 years old, though no birth certificate actually proved her age. She only knew because she kept count herself ever since being abducted from Cuba and sold into her dead father’s sex trade & human trafficking. She was homeless as well, but unique circumstances put her in the line of sight of some very powerful recruiters. They were actually searching for a woman of color with a native-jungle background for a commercial when young Lola Fatima Cruz was thrust before them by American agents. The entire ordeal was a complete ruse, however, organized by those same agents. Thin though it was, the ‘discovery’ of the magnificent Lola took her from a cardboard box to a NYC dormitory and modeling school. She posed for photographs and commercials at first, but a stage-name accompanied her transformation, and the slave-girl from the Colombian cartels merged with the glamorous model of New York. Spectra Lin was born.

[Image: irina_smink-nelkul.jpg]
Lola, age 14.

Within a year she was walking the red carpet for the highest of designers on Moscow’s fashion industry. New York City was but a step stone and her contracts were bought out. She moved east, nestled in the furs of her wintery new home, and saw snow for the first time. Paparazzi followed her everywhere, and a mere blink of sultry eyelashes at a man fanned rumors of steamy relationships. Some were actually true! A soccer player was her first real intense relationship, or so it was designated by the media obsessed with her every puckered lip. He was replaced by an action star, then a rock star. Finally, she dated a 42-year-old businessman for a few weeks, but only because he was the best lover she ever had (at the time).

[Image: PTLGVFEDOH.jpg]
Spectra, age 20

Everyone was obsessed with her story: a princess tale of rags to riches. She was initially pulled to Europe by becoming the face of Olga Vilshenko, the high-society, Moscow clothing label. This allowed the planet to see her otherworldly physique, which of course spawned a number of future underwear campaigns for the young Spectra. Now, her modelling CV reads like a who’s who in the fashion world, as she’s worked with brands such as Armani, Givenchy and La Perla; magazines Harper’s Bazaar, Elle, GQ and the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue; and photographers Marzo Testino, Christiano Weber, Yousef Vivanco and many more. She’s graced the silver screen alongside action stars and as a woman of the night: her superstardom seems to be less than differentiating between the source of her celebrity.

[Image: Irina-Shayk-by-Santiago-Esteban-3.jpg]
Spectra, present day