The First Age

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The gift was hardly expected. The statement might have slid off Scion like oil on steel. But the subsequent, that it was hardly desired, settled the heavy chains of debate in his mind. Eluoera was not here to play. They both knew exactly who the other was, and she thought she was going to dismiss this symbol of gamesmanship? Sitting out of the game was a death sentence in the Kremlin. Those impenetrable walls were built on the backs of alliances.

With her absence, Scion turned the distinction of his presence briefly upon Marcus. Let him associate himself with the likes of Elouera. "She'll teach you much."
Scion murmured like he was gifting the young Sigma with a generous secret. But then he was drawn away by more interesting matters.
Marcus had to smile at Marveet's demeanor after Elouera left. The man left and returned to his table after a brief comment. He was practiced enough in the game, of course, that his face showed little. But Elouera's departure was abrupt and it was clear that she did not wish to be involved in their...truthfully he had no idea what it was. It didn't bother Marcus, of course. Not right now. Certainly, Marveet was not an enemy one would wish ever, but especially this early in the game.

But he had expected there to be intrigue in the Kremlin of one sort or another. Not every contact could be a friend or ally. Yet, that Marveet decided to go out of his way to snub him was mostly amusing. Two options presented themselves. Despite his power and attained position- and Marcus had briefed himself on everyone of note in Moscow, especially those circling the Sphere of the Ascendancy, and he knew full well that Marveet had risen from humble origins to a position of great power and wealth and was someone to watch carefully- that he still found it necessary to 'quash' people that shouldn't even show up on his radar yet, well, it seemed pathetically sad. Sad almost to the point of having to be false.

The second option, though, that one was the more dangerous, if not also the more flattering. If he was more arrogant, he would say that it spoke volumes about how Marveet perceived him even this early in the game. If he was more arrogant, that is.

Or perhaps it was something else entirely that he was missing. He was not foolish enough to assume he knew all the currents that ran here. It was entirely possible that Elouera and Marveet had a clandestine history or alliance or some other relationship that he had been asserting and she rejecting. In any case, he would have to be wary of Marveet.

For how, his apprenticeship at the Kremlin afforded him with some protection. And he was on his way to making friendships and contacts with those that mattered, beginning with Bykov and Alexandrova. And when Ascendancy felt it time for him to again resume his power, he would continue to become more dangerous that way as well. Not to mention, having proven himself to be a man of self-control and self-discipline, the very real hope- it was more than hope, really, given how fortuitous things had turned out- that Ascendancy would actually take him on as his personal apprentice. It was why he had worked so hard to get here to begin with, after all.

Such thoughts and plans played across his mind when Elouera returned in a flurry of fluttered skirts over hips and legs, her beautiful smile and sparkling eyes and her poise drawing his attention once more. Elouera might not rank highly yet, but she was clearly moving upward and had made enough of a name for herself to have earned a position in the Consulate at such a young age. Thinking on Marveet's comment, he could do worse than learn from her and the ease with which she fluttered like a butterfly from social circle to social circle. That she could be perceived as a spokesperson for and to the youth of the world- especially in matters as dear and sacrosanct as those of religion- and yet also move equally with ease among those circling the Sphere, said much about herself. Her presentation did not seem calculated, and yet it had the same very real effect of granting her access everywhere. She was far more than she seemed.

Marcus smiled when she returned and they spoke of various topics, both work related and personal as they ate. He complimented her on the dinner choices and meant it. For his part, he was interested in her, in what made her tick and how she perceived things. He was honest with her, as well, regarding what he knew and what he didn't know, even regarding his concerns about various players.

While she never deigned to engage in crude gossip, she hinted at enough to indicate the deep currents that played about those at the heart of the CCD. He had been right that Alexandrova's and Bykov's consulates were merely two sides of the same coin. And that their relationship was more of a partnership than was realized by many. But he was surprised to learn Yushakov's role in the Consulate and that it was much more far-reaching than people knew too.

By the end of the meal, after Marcus had paid the bill, he had thoroughly enjoyed her company. Now came the debate. They worked together. He respected her. And she was no light weight. She would not be one simply to use and cast-off. Nor would she be one to be played while he developed contacts with others. Of course, this was the 2040's. The gradient for relationships to friendships was highly varied. So how would he proceed with her? In the end, he opted for the honesty and reaching out for human friendship that had prompted his invitation. However it turned out, he wanted them to be friends. It had to end with that.

He smiled at her genuinely and leaned forward to speak frankly. "Thank you Elouera for such a lovely evening. The intelligent company of a beautiful woman is one of the greatest pleasures there is."
He paused. "I wish we didn't have to cut it short."
He gave just a moment, allowing her an option to interject. He didn't expect her to, but he wanted her to see he was giving her that moment. A woman like her needed to be shown respect. But...He raised his eyebrows playfully, a lopsided smile to his face. "I'm not up on all the Moscow night-life, but I imagine there's a place or two where we might go out and enjoy music or dancing."
He looked down at her hand. "I can't promise that I will do well, but I'm certainly willing to try. I've been told I can pop-and-lock with the best of them."
He laughed at himself. And then he looked up again. "You game? Or are you going to turn into a pumpkin here at..."
- he looked at his watch- "9 o'clock?"

He waited for her reaction.
Elouera smiled at him and he smiled back. She had that kind of way about her, eliciting warmth and trust from those she spoke to. His mind flashed to Marveet- well maybe most of those. And who knew if he response to her was because it didn't go further than friendliness. In any case, Marcus felt better than he had in a long time. His isolation was over.

Through the smile, though, she was apologetic. "I am sorry to say that I have another meeting at 6am tomorrow, so I do need to go home and sleep. I am going to be going to DV for some preliminary interviews later that day."
She shook her head and sighed. "It's going to be a lot of work for the next few years. But the plan put forth by Bykov was approved by Ascendancy and he doesn't waste time."

Marcus raised an eyebrow and laughed. "The work of years, and we rush to begin. Marvelous. Gives me hope for bureaucracies. It's not what I expected. "
Then he frowned, realizing something before his face softened. "I really enjoyed myself. And I appreciate your taking time to have dinner with me."
He smiled at her. There was something pleasing about her. She embodied orderliness. Harmony. Serenity. It reminded him of what he loved most about the disciplines of logic. It was serene. If the government was filled with people like her- something he doubted was very common- what he sought- what he and Ascendancy wanted for the world- would be much more easily attained.

"It occurs to me how very effective you will be in the DV. I look forward to see your accomplishments."
He meant it too.

They rose from the table and he walked her to the foyer and got their coats. He helped her on with hers. "A pleasure Elouera,"
and politely kissed her on the cheek just as the valet brought her car around. Once she was off he stood there, feeling the cold of Moscow on his cheeks. It was an interesting day. Making connections with people was a useful thing to do. And it provided him with something he had not felt in a long while.

What that was, he wasn't really sure.
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