The First Age

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Michael stood in just inside the entrance of the great museum, momentarily oblivious to the rest of the world. He longed to open himself to his power so he could utilize the enhanced senses, but he dare not risk discovery, not now.

It would have cost him a small fortune to even set foot in the famous halls, but he managed to persuade Commander Zelkinosk - cruel bastard that the superior officer was - that it would aid him in his adjustment to CCD life and warfare. After all, to move forward, one had to learn from the past.

It wasn't a total lie, there was much to be gained from history, but Michael doubted he would learn anything useful here. He knew his job well, far better than some of the incompetents they employed.

This visit was purely self-interest.

"Mister Vellas?" A young, red haired woman said hesitantly. She wore a museum uniform, her hair and clothing neat and precise.


"I have been told that you would be coming. If you would, I shall be your guide."

Michael suppressed a grimace. "Thank you, Miss-?"

"Avanyeka" she supplied with a uneasy smile.

Michael wondered what it was that made her so uneasy, his expression or profession.

He supposed he would be uneasy around himself too, at the moment.

The military unnerved him also. He had never liked the way they instilled obedience into their soldiers, and the CCD was particularly adept at that. If it wasn't for his particular talents, they would have tried it with him, but he had refused.

It would probably get him into serious trouble one day, but he didn't particularly care at the moment. He had more pressing concerns.

"Shall we?" Miss Avanyeka said, waiting with an awkward half-gesture towards the first exhibit.

He gave her a smile that was meant to be reassuring, but it no doubt failed miserably. "Of course."

Michael was shown all of the priceless artefacts - from the crowning glories of Catherine the Great to the dozens of blades and lead-shot rifles. Miss Avanyeka had a story ready for each one.

It all passed him by in a blur. It was unusual, but he could not summon the interest. He tried - he loved the mysterious allure that was the past - but nothing struck him.

He found himself looking for something more. He felt as if his mind would turn a corner and unlock a door to something amazing if he just found what it is he was looking for.

"Mr. Vellas, are you well?" the woman's voice sounded anxious.

Michael realised he had stopped listening and was staring at nothing.
"Yes, I am fine thank you."

Miss Avanyeka was about to continue the tour, but was interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

"My apologies,"
he said before answering. "Hello, this is Michael."

"Michael, where the hell are you!?"
the voice cried through the receiver.

Michael scowled. "Tony? Are you drunk? I told you -"

"I'm not bloody drunk you bastard. I am dying."

"What are you talking about? You sound fine."

"I told you I have a few tricks up my sleeve. Unfortunately, not one to fix 'stab wound to the chest'."

Memories flooded through Michael's mind. Days of fear, desperation, pain.

He purged himself of the unbidden thougts; his mind now ice. "I am coming. Is the assailant still there?"

"Yes, but dead. Very interesting fellow. You said someone was looking for you right? Well, I think they found you."

Edited by Michael Vellas, Jul 25 2013, 07:22 AM.
Continued in post #2

Edited by Michael Vellas, Jul 23 2013, 11:53 PM.