The First Age

Full Version: Down to the Docks (Closed)
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Manix needed a break. A break from research, a break from training, a break from channeling. He decided to walk down to the docks to scout out new property for the expatiation of the fleet heading his way. He needed more dock room, storage facilities and Guard houses. He smiled, some break, but he walked slow.

The Lir Compound look amazing from the outside and complimented the mansion perfectly. The rest of the neighborhood was in shambles. "The Kid" a Jr Marine had reported back to him that the contractor's workers lived in poor housing conditions. They had seen too much of Manix's power and he had set up a health care clinic as a bribe, but now he was thinking of doing more.

Manix wanted to follow in the example of his father, Larson Lir', whom used part of the early fortune to build housing for those in need upon the isle of Mann. and within a few years he commanded the locality of the whole Isle simple with generosity. Manix would do the same for this neighborhood.

Manix pulled out his wallet and tapped out a quick message to Chief: "Chief please buy up all property within a 12 square block radius of compound, or within main street/highway arteries. I'll take care of the contractor."
With that done Manix let his mind rest and enjoy the pleasant walk to the river side docks.
Manix was not sure how long he meandered around going to the riverfront but was feeling better. He looked over the current leased area and ruled it out. There was not enough room to fit all of the needs. So he continued walking down the river front.

It wasn't long til he found and large overgrown area with remnants of old buildings. From the looks of it it was an old coal loading facility where they transferred it to barges. This area was perfect. pulling out his wallet he entered the coordinates and compared them to city records. The property has been foreclosed upon and was for sale for the price of the back taxes. Manix would have chief get on that asap. He began to wonder how he would fare if Chief hadn't stayed with him.

Next he contacted the owner of the same construction company that did the compound. He would have them build the housing and the new Naval Station. He was stunned by that thought, but that is what it would be, a Naval Station.

Before the completed dialing he heard over comms that SynJyn had visitors, that had to be Mr Donovan whom had contacted him via E-Mail. Manix decide to talk to the owner while heading home, he would like to met Mr Donovan. Contacting Chief that he was inbound he walked at a much brisker pace than before.