The First Age

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Snow was glad Calvin said he'd stay for a bit he 'hummed' happily to himself. It was really images of happiness, he was happy for a new pack mate. Not that they were a pack, Snow didn't quite understand the nature of humans. Not many wolves did.

Calvin's question was not unexpected, but Sierra wasn't sure she had an answer for him. "Just happened one day I guess. I've always had a fondness for nature. But considering I grew up in a bunker in the middle of no where it's not surprising.

Sierra thought about the times they'd been playing hide-n-seek. "I was 17 when the visions from wolves started. Me and my brother confided in each other that we were seeing things."

It was Snow who had first really spoken to her. "Snow was actually the first wolf I'd ever spoken to. He was just a pup then, his mother had been left for dead and he was alone. I took him in and took care of him."

"We've been all over the CCD taking pictures of nature since then, we've met many packs. What's your story?"
Calvin listened to her story. His own had similiarites, but he wondered about the dream. The wolves had told him the dream was dangerous, but they always neglected to say why, often telling him to leave and that he wasn't ready to be there yet. Maybe Sierra knew something about it.

Calvin nodded as she asked about his story, "It started with dreams. I don't remember when they started, because at the time I didn't realize how significant they were. It wasn't until later that I began to speak to them."

Calvin hesitated, considering telling her of his wife and child, but today had been one of the best days he had since their passing. The pain came back a bit as he thought of it, but he pushed ghosts away for a bit, neglecting to deal with them.

"I am...was...a dairy farmer in Wisconsin. I know all about being in the middle of nowhere,"
he said with a smile. "The first time I spoke to a wolf was in a territory dispute on which one of us had the right to eat my cows. Come to think of it, I wonder if that was a test of some sort, or the wolves trying to tell me what I could do. Regardless, I must have done something right. When I counted my cows the next morning, they were all still there."

He stood and stretch a bit before continuing, After that, well, I knew that the dream had some significance. I went there quite a bit, but the wolves didn't like it. They told me it was dangerous, but never told me why. The wolf that I had originally spoken to, Whispering Leaf, eventually met me in the dream and brought me here. He said a lot was happening here and that the packs were coming. He also mentioned 'powerful two legs.' I still have no idea what he means by it. You're probably going to think this is crazy, but he told me I needed to be here too. So I sold everything and arrived yesterday. That's really it."
Sierra busied herself with digging a hole in the ground and setting a fire, to smoke the meat. It was a simple task she'd done many times. She listened to Calvin's story. Cows, funny. At least he showed them dominance, his territory. Wolves revolved around their territory. She hoped the pack here didn't mind them staying a few days.

The dream. Sierra had only gone in a few times. The wolves were always overly cautious about things. It seemed natural to Sierra to be wary of the unknown, the dream world was so much different yet so alike that it was easy to get lost. Aaron had spent many times in the dream. Sierra believed that was why he was lost to them. Why he had gone feral. It dawned on Sierra that maybe she should explore there more, talk with other wolves there, figure out if her theory was correct.

Sierra smiled at Calvin. "The dream is dangerous. You can lose yourself there."

The danger that Calvin was told about and brought to Moscow for reminded her of Snow's resistance to stay in the wild where he belonged, like he could protect her. "The wolves know many things. Perhaps they know more than they share, or we just don't understand.
Sierra laughed. "Even after years of speaking with Snow, sometimes he sends things I cannot understand. A danger in the city, he won't leave me alone to fend for myself."

The wayward pine would serve as a bed, Sierra had picked the site specifically for the tree to sleep under. It would provide warmth that even a fire could not. Darkness was falling. "If you were going to go back to the city you should do it soon, before night is completely upon us. Snow and I would welcome you to stay until day light comes."

Edited by Sierra, Jun 26 2014, 09:02 AM.
It was getting late, so Calvin decided to stay. He was, however, feeling a little concerned.

People can lose themselves in the dream!? Does she mean that they go insane?

If that were the case, no wonder why the wolves would warn him to say out. His own grief had pushed him there and it could be his undoing. He reminded himself to spend less time there and to ask Dawn Wind about it. Maybe if he asked the right questions, he'd get a better idea of what could happen.

She smiled as she said it, and once again Calvin noticed how pretty she was. It made him think of Mary, and he felt a stab of pain. Mary was pretty too.

Calvin continued to help, letting Sierra continuing leading the work effort. Sierra continued to speak and as darkness began to fall. He continued working despite the falling darkness.

"I'll head home tomorrow. It's very nice being out here,"
Calvin told Sierra allowing a smile to appear on his face as well.

Calvin prepared his own area for sleeping, giving Sierra some space. Call him old fashioned, but it was just the way Calvin was raised. Sierra was nice to talk to, however, and Calvin was a gain struck by the fact that he hadn't felt lonely since they had met. It was a good feeling.

As they ate, Calvin began speaking of his love of nature, "Growing up on the farm, I'd always loved being in the woods, but my mother was a big influence as well. She was a Native American - Potawatomi tribe. She instilled the importance of all living things to me, and taught me to be thankful for what nature gives us. I don't really know if being able to talk to wolves is a genetic thing or if the wolves choose people, but if it is the latter, maybe that's why I was chosen."

They spoke some more and then moved to sleep. Calvin stared at the stars for awhile and then reached out, hoping to find Dawn Wind. Dawn Wind was running to the south and Calvin reached out to him.

Star Gazer.
Dawn Wind greeted him.

You offered help. I have questions. Can two-legs lose themselves in the Dream, and what does that mean? What happens to them?

The sending was frustrated, Yes, impatient pup, the Dream is dangerous. Many are its dangers. I offered help to the pup. I will keep my agreement and show you.

The image Dawn Wind sent made Calvin sit up in his bed. A man, or it looked like a man, with golden eyes like his own. The man moved on all four of his limbs, attempting to run like a wolf. It came out more as an ape, but it was clear that the man's mind was gone - given completely over to the wolf.

Calvin thought. All legends have some semblance of truth to them. Is this where werewolves come from?

Just earlier that morning he had been joking about being a werewolf. Now he knew that they existed. It just wasn't a joke anymore.

The pup is scared - the pup should be. Very dangerous.

Calvin decided to stay out of the dream if needed, until he could protect himself from the insanity. Short trips should be okay - he had survived those - but anything longer, and Calvin didn't know how he'd respond.

Calvin looked at Drifting Snow and the wolf raised his head. Calvin wondered if the wolf knew of the "conversation" that Dawn Wind and Calvin had, but he was sure that the wolf scented his fear. Calvin laid back down and went into a restless sleep.


The next morning, Calvin awoke before the dawn and cursed his biological clock for being used to waking up in the wee hours of the morning. Sierra still slept, so Calvin began making breakfast for them. When she awoke it was ready and he gave some to her. They spoke some more during breakfast, but it was time for Calvin to leave.

"I'm afraid I have to go,"
he said suppressing a yawn. "I've just moved in, and the rent doesn't pay itself, so I'll have to find some work."

The meat still needed to smoke longer, so Calvin pulled out a card, wrote his phone number and address on it, "There's my information. Let me know when it's ready and I'll come pick up my share, and thanks for letting me join you. I really enjoyed it.

Sierra took the card and handed him a business card with her own information as well. He smiled at the card with the picture of Drifting Snow playing in a meadow. He bid them both a farewell, giving Drifting Snow another scratch behind the ears. Calvin picked up his stuff and then heading back to the city to begin his job search.

Edited by Calvin, Jun 26 2014, 12:54 PM.
Pages: 1 2