The First Age

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The Place of Enlightenment is a four block stretch along Nikolskaya street, which runs directly off the northeast corner of the Red Square.  This is an ancient place.  Historically, these shops, buildings, and stores were connected to places of scholarship, study, and knowledge.  In 1564, Moscow's first printing press was established here.  At the invitation of Ivan the Terrible, Greek monks established a small monastery on this street, descendants of which may still be found in the small Greek community.  It was here that the city's first academy opened in 1684.  Today, the street is still a haven of ancient, arcane, and rare lore.  It's second-hand bookshops are filled with unusual relics, manuscripts, and first editions. 

The Baccarat Mansion and Atharim House
+Currently closed for renovations+

Since its founding by French royal decree in 1764, Baccarat Crystal has transformed the most basic elements on earth — sand, fire and water — into exquisite objects of beauty treasured by Kings, Tsars and Maharajas.  Now, Baccarat has established a series of brilliantly designed hotels, mansions, and residences in cities such as Dubai, Tokyo, and Shanghai.  The diamond in the Baccarat crown, however, is the Baccarat Mansion, located at 19 Nikolskaya street in Moscow, one block from the Red Square.

Baccarat Crystal and Moscow is first and foremost the elite story of a relationship between the crystal maker and the Tsars.  On the ground floor of the mansion lays the complete display of Baccarat crystal-including the Tsars Candelabra and the Tsar's Service made of double cobalt blue crystal.  This sparkling, pristine space has given rise to a social climate metamorphosed into magical parties blended with pomp, tradition, and an extravagant, clandestine scheme.

The second and third floors are truly private.  This is the home of a Baccarat heir, a high-ranking Atharim, whose job is to provide a safe cover hidden in the luminescence of a lavish spotlight in the heart of the CCD empire.  As such, the Baccarats have ties to the Atharim which date back centuries.

The basements, entered directly from above or by one of several distant access points, is a hub for Atharim affairs, stock, money, and safety.