The First Age

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The last few days had been slow going. Oakland was out of the country, it seemed, from what she could ferret out. Rumors about his abilities seemed to keep cropping up, enough to confirm her suspicions.

Up until now, the only reborn gods she'd ever hunted had been young and with little knowledge or control over what they did. That was not to say that it wasn't a bit harrowing at times. A kid with a gun who didn't know what they were doing was still dangerous. Still, she'd never failed.

Oakland, though, appeared to have control over what he did. It made him more formidable prey. Of course, that just meant it would be all the sweeter when she won. Still, she needed more information. And she could be honest. She needed bigger guns. Something new. You didn't hunt mountain lions with a sling shot.

She got on the dark web and found the hidden Atharim message boards. She wanted to dig through posts of god-hunts. She did love a good story. And there might be things she could use. Some of the names would be familiar to her- especially here in the west. Hunting for 30 years tended to get you around.

Instead, the boards were ablaze with the historic convocation that had been called in Moscow and all that had happened. The Regus had set the collective Atharim afire. Few were stupid enough to post any kind of disagreement, even anonymously, but she was sure there were a few bleeding hearts even among her brethren who were beating their chests in dismay at the direction they were taking.

They just didn't get it. The Atharim existed because they hunted down gods. That was how it began. Every Atharim had it drilled into them. The gods had meant slavery, suffering and death for mankind. Period. Instead, they would have them wait until the gods were so numerous and powerful that the earth would be awash in blood at the inevitable fight. So short sighted. War was war. Humanity against the would-be oppressors. And they would do it to, of that she had no doubt. Thankfully, most did get it though.

Oh, but she wanted to be part of this new Order of Archangels. More than anything. God, what a hunt to a part of. An elite team dedicated to saving humanity from the worst slavery ever known. And the about adrenaline.

All thoughts of Oakland were pushed aside. Oh, she'd come for him someday. That was for sure. But she'd do it prepared. There were already hints and speculation about the type of weapons that would be employed. They ranged from the fantastically imaginative to the fearsomely real. Sonic weapons, medical drones the size of fleas, directed energy weapons, and so very many others, many she'd never even heard of. There even whispers of other things, though if anyone knew what they were, they were keeping very silent.

This, right here, this was what she was born for. It took all of 10 minutes for her to get her tickets on a red-eye and contact Atharim HQ notifying them of her arrival. She hadn't been asked, but she didn't care. She wanted in. They'd be stupid not to take her, either. She knew what she could offer.

She'd never felt so excited in her life. Or at least not in a good long while. This was gonna be fun.