The First Age

Full Version: Jet Terrones Walks Away from Red Hot Blues
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Few artists in the height of popularity can simply walk away. But true to form, Jet Terrones surprised everyone at Wednesday night’s US Choice Music Awards ceremony by announcing his departure from the industry. With an uncharacteristic humility, thanking everyone who helped “get him where he was,” he said that like “an athlete dying young” he was leaving Red Hot Blues at the pinnacle of success. His decision to leave the group he helped to form 10 years before, and to leave the music industry completely was to “pursue private endeavors.” When later asked in a press conference if he could elaborate he just smiled and responded, “Well, if I told you it wouldn’t be private now, would it?”

It was long thought that his oft chanted threat to quit the music industry if he ever felt he could no longer contribute in a meaningful way - that he would walk away and never look back - was just to draw attention and keep public interest and just an ongoing publicity stunt. It appears today, it was no empty threat.

The mystery surrounding this announcement has all the Swags gossiping. This reporter has heard several rumors, but is not ready to venture an opinion one way or another regarding their veracity.

When Jet’s twin sister, the much loved and respected midnight luna-evangelist Melany Torrones was asked to comment, she said she didn’t have much to do with her brother since he turned to “that evil music.” She cared about his eternal soul, and hoped that his stepping away was a sign that he was coming closer to the goddess.

When asked if there was any hope that he was making any moves to reconcile with his sister, Jet snorted and wiping his eyes, refusing to comment.

Jet has been sighted several times in the last three months in the company of his cousin, Beto Trujillo, renowned Justice Department attorney and Fordham University alumni. Something is in the works, but right now, like usually with this master of evasion, nobody knows exactly what’s up.