The First Age

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Or is that assimilated??

Anyone else hear that the collective has fallen? I've got it on good authority that Ph4s3r has gone missing. 3ff3rv3sc3nt has been looking for him all over. You'd think she'd keep better track of her boyfriend. I hear The Den is shot too - whatever protections the collective gave them have all but vanished. Everything in the server room is gone and no one knows what happened.

I can confirm that the Den is gone. Ph4s3r set the server to wipe all files when it was accessed by unauthorized entities and he wasn't there to stop it. But Ph4s3r is still missing. Nothing is left in the building anymore - not even the internet cafe - everything is gone.

And he's not my boyfriend Pierc3.

p0l73r63157, 3p170m3, 5ph1nx, chr0n1cl3 , qu1rk and Grim are all missing too. Who the fuck took out the whole crew?
