The First Age

Full Version: Smith Foundation Donates Priceless Works of Antiquity To The Vatican Historical Society
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The massive shipwreck excavation in the Gulf Of Mexico has yielded numerous artifacts of dubious origin and age. The real oddity here is that the artifacts all come from a wide variety of cultures.

This leads us to believe that many of these items were stolen and therefore calls into question the legitimacy of salvage rights in this case. After all, how else could Greek, Hebrew, Egyptian, AND Sumerian artifacts be located on the same vessel? Especially considering that there are no known records of any ships carrying such a valuable cargo. Then recall how all four of these cultures existed at different times in history with minimal overlap and contact.

We can only surmise that the head of the Smith Foundation, John Smith, is aware of the inconsistent and questionable reports that are being handed to the press. Why else would the Smith Foundation donate so many priceless artifacts to the Vatican Historical Society? It isn't like he is Catholic. Let's not forget the enormous expense of such an undertaking. What is really going on here?

It appears to the press that Mr. Smith has ties to Texas (The Smith Foundation), Moscow (teaching at the MSU), and now the Vatican? So what is really going on?