09-21-2014, 09:45 PM
Breaking: Is Magic Real?
Jonathan Greene
Albany, New York
Reporter, The New York Times
January 2, 2046
Nolan Trace's most recent talk on Vulpesnet left a lot of people scratching their heads, wondering when America's favorite political demagogue jumped off the deep end and started using cheap special effects in a desperate effort to grow his viewership. After all, he wasn't exactly hurting in that regard - so it begged the question of why he would destroy his career for a cheap stage trick.
In the last week, Trace has been taking a lot of hits to his credibility. Few are stopping to take his claims seriously, and most are focusing on why he decided to do something so outlandish on a live broadcast. More strangely, he has been avoiding the public eye since his announcement - calls for interviews and statements completely ignored.
So the story has begun to take shape: Nolan Trace has lost his mind, and disappeared into the woods. However, the media might need to change its tune. In a preliminary study released by the Harvard Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, several esteemed scientists
including Dr. Karl Jergensenn
have confirmed that there may indeed be something to Trace's claims.
The study tentatively concludes that, among other things, Nolan Trace is capable of causing some as-yet unknown form of plasma to materialize in midair. It is worth reminding the public that, although the initial conclusions may seem unprecedented, this is still a very early study. It will be months or years before any conclusive evidence can be presented.
Nevertheless, assuming Trano's claims are true, the question then becomes one of legislature: How will the governments of the world handle a populace that can kill each other as easily as looking?
The full release of the study can be downloaded from Harvard University's public database.
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Edited by Nick Trano, Sep 21 2014, 09:53 PM.
Jonathan Greene
Albany, New York
Reporter, The New York Times
January 2, 2046
Nolan Trace's most recent talk on Vulpesnet left a lot of people scratching their heads, wondering when America's favorite political demagogue jumped off the deep end and started using cheap special effects in a desperate effort to grow his viewership. After all, he wasn't exactly hurting in that regard - so it begged the question of why he would destroy his career for a cheap stage trick.
In the last week, Trace has been taking a lot of hits to his credibility. Few are stopping to take his claims seriously, and most are focusing on why he decided to do something so outlandish on a live broadcast. More strangely, he has been avoiding the public eye since his announcement - calls for interviews and statements completely ignored.
So the story has begun to take shape: Nolan Trace has lost his mind, and disappeared into the woods. However, the media might need to change its tune. In a preliminary study released by the Harvard Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, several esteemed scientists
including Dr. Karl Jergensenn
have confirmed that there may indeed be something to Trace's claims.
The study tentatively concludes that, among other things, Nolan Trace is capable of causing some as-yet unknown form of plasma to materialize in midair. It is worth reminding the public that, although the initial conclusions may seem unprecedented, this is still a very early study. It will be months or years before any conclusive evidence can be presented.
Nevertheless, assuming Trano's claims are true, the question then becomes one of legislature: How will the governments of the world handle a populace that can kill each other as easily as looking?
The full release of the study can be downloaded from Harvard University's public database.
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<table><tr><td>Comments: Open
Edited by Nick Trano, Sep 21 2014, 09:53 PM.