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Ascendancy apologist says dictatorship is welcome.
Vulpesnet/Nolan Trace

Jon Little Bird's been busy over in Dominance I--or Russia, as it was previously known--fighting in their academic Colosseum. Academia within the CCD has never been known for any particular level of enlightenment. Still, it's hard not to giggle like a six year old girl when you're watching Little Bird give them a sound thrashing.

The academics of the CCD seem convinced that "capitalism" is a form of government. Of course, that doesn't resemble their dictatorship in the least--and even if it did, a government that's designed to profit off the people is a terrifying idea.

The highlight of the day came when the esteemed Professor Adamo Napoli stepped into the ring. After trying--and doing a pretty good job--to play the role of the intelligent, mature and dare I say fatherly scholarly type in the beginning, he tripped and fell flat on his face.

The man admitted, literally, that the CCD was a dictatorship. In the same line of thinking, he stated that the CCD being a dictatorship was a good thing. He even stated that the dictatorships of the past--remember, this includes Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Congo/Zaire/DPRC, Iran, Iraq and a dozen other failed states--were, and I quote, "purposeful forms of organization of a most highly developed capitalism" and the exact same as the CCD.

If you're anything like me, you probably want to ask, "Mr. Trace... how in the hell is that man one of the CCD's top scholars?!" To which I would respond with a simple "I have no idea."

I'll be keeping you up to date with regular updates on Jon Little Bird's exploits in Moscow. Expect to hear more about the success or failure of his lawsuit for the Minutemen tomorrow.

<em>Published by Vulpesnet, 2045. U.S.A</em>

Comments are: <strong>OPEN</strong>

<small>((Comments are anonymous unless you state your character's name in the time tag:

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Comment by 'Jessika', Central time, Birmingham, AL

Nikolai Brandon IS the antichrist!  My brothers and sisters, repent now of your sins before it is too late!  I will pray for you Brother Trace. 

<small>His union of nations will merge into a world government which he will dominate - Revelations 13:1-2.  The world over which he rules will be from a red government - Revelations 17:14.  He was, and is not, and yet is - Revelations 17:8.  He will ascend to power on a platform of peace. By peace, he will destroy many - Daniel 8:25.</small>
Comment by Erik Tenner, Tampa, FL.

That was Jessika Thrice commenting, wasn't it?? I saw her show live from Dallas last week while she's touring the south. Yes! Yes it was! Jessika, preach it my sister!

But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Daniel 11:38

He will have great military power that will stand behind him, to enforce his laws. Daniel 11:31

Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. Daniel 11:37
Comment by Sonya Jannings, Charleston, SC.

Bless our hearts, Jessika! You speak the good word my darling!
Comment by Brady Anderson, Louisville, KY

Jessika! Does this mean you're endorsing NT for Pres? If he picks you for running mate, you'd have our vote!
COMMENT: "User" (4:54 AM, MSK)

That's not a bad idea, Tron. Jessika (with a k) is hot.