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Interview with Little Bird Coming Up
Vulpesnet/Nolan Trace

It's been a hectic week. Dayton's gone up in flames and the President's just got caught up in a nasty scandal--see this nation burn in hell before letting it join the CCD? Hey, I like the dedication but he could have phrased it a lot better. Not looking good for re-election. Anyways, I've gotten a request from Jon Little Bird for an online interview while he's in Moscow representing the Minutemen in a debate on CCD law.

Most of you are probably scratching your heads right now and wanting to ask me, "Mr. Trace, who in God's name is Jon Little Bird?" Those of you living within a hundred miles of an Indian reservation probably already know him well--love him or hate him. The fact is, he's famous for standing up for the little guy. And you can't get much littler than the Native American minority in this country.

Jon Little Bird graduated Yale law in a year, with the highest honor they've ever bestowed. He's been the Council for Native Americans' number one legal attack dog whenever their treaties with the U.S. are breached, and from what I can see he has won almost every case he's taken on. Even ignoring his performance at Yale, when you consider how often the concerns of Amerindians get sidelined in this country that's a very impressive record. And he's going to the heart of the CCD to debate the Minutemen's status as a terrorist group.

Of course, the opinion of the judiciary system in the CCD matters about as much to their executive branch as the opinion of Piers Morgan--when is he going to retire?--does to ours here. But according to Little Bird, if you convince enough of the people that Ascendancy's acting out of line, he'll have to revoke the status in order to save face. 

I've made my opinion on the matter of the Minutemen being considered a terrorist group known in the past. It's ridiculous that what is essentially a cluster of activists has been labelled terrorists. It's a clear ploy by the CCD to crush dissenting opinions. Little Bird asked me to interview him in order to give the plight of the Minutemen greater exposure on the world stage. How could I refuse?

<small>Editor's note: The interview is scheduled for tomorrow at 12 PM EST</small>

<em>Published by Vulpesnet, 2045. U.S.A</em>

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