The First Age

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This is a Terrible Idea
Vulpesnet/Nolan Trace

I'm sure by now you've heard that his Ascendancy, Nikolai Brandon is coming to visit the United States. The more superstitious among us would question the wisdom of inviting this man to the country at the same time as two nuclear power plants are coming online, what with the fact that disasters follow him wherever he goes.

Even if you're not superstitious, though, there are reasons to question the wisdom of allowing a man who has conquered all of Eurasia and elevated himself to the position of a god while doing so to speak in this country on even terms with the President. The man's created a cult of personality so large Ozzy Osbourne might claw his way out of the ground to offer him work as a ghost-writer.

The CCD--and by extension, Brandon--has made its goal of world domination clear since its inception, and as such it runs completely against America's interests to give him a sounding board inside the country. We've already given him an honor that we never extended to his compatriots Hitler and Stalin by allowing him to even set foot on American soil 12 years ago. Now, after he's been allowed to sit and pull strings for the past decade, we're letting him come here again.

At best, this is an attempt for him to win the hearts and minds of the American people by falsely granting his blessing (as if we needed it) to our energy programs. He's essentially treating us with the same condescension that aughts America did third world countries. The CCD gains nothing from an American nuclear revolution. In fact, they lose one of their largest oil buyers if we become energy independent.

At worst, they might try sabotage our reactors before that happens. Either way they want to convince us to hand over our souls, and the more of a stage we give to him in this country the bigger chance he has to do it. Let's just hope that he doesn't call the Minutemen down on him and cause an international incident.

Now isn't the time for us to receive embassies from foreign powers greater than our own. Right now, we need to buckle down and get back to fixing our country. We're a herd of deer, and the CCD is a pack of wolves. We can't afford distractions or underhanded threats from some near-mythological character.

<em>Published by Vulpesnet, 2045. U.S.A</em>

Comments are: <strong>OPEN</strong>

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Comment: "U R DILF"  -  8:30 am, Moscow time.

Yah, Preach it!!!!  Trace '46!!!! 
COMMENT: "User" (2:43 AM, MSK)

You're right Tron m'boy. Its a terrible idea. A complete waste of time!
Ascendancy, I hope while you're over there, you blow the mother f*ckers out of the water. Oh, but if you swing by Jersey, could you bring back some salt-water taffy? Thanks.
Written IC during Tools.

COMMENT: (Dr. Weston, 9:45 AM, MSK)

Everywhere the CCD goes, peace and prosperity follow. Mr. Trace should walk the streets of Mexico City, if he can survive them, then walk the streets of any Dominance capital, and see the difference for himself. Allow your kin the extreme honor of being in the Ascendancy's presence, and let them decide for themselves. The civility of the CCD is a gift worth sharing.
Comment: (Hank Powers, 7:00 PM EST)

The day America decides to bow to some Russian dictator is the day I go on a shooting spree in the oval office. The CCD's so-called prosperity is only going to last as long as your god-king lives. After that... well, the U.S'll be here to pick up the pieces like we always do. You can even hate us for it!