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Sold Out! - Printable Version +- The First Age ( +-- Forum: Moscow ( +--- Forum: Greater Moscow and the Golden Ring ( +--- Thread: Sold Out! (/thread-406.html) |
- Jay Carpenter - 02-02-2017 Jay jumped up as fire flared before his eyes. The heat of it pelted his face. Teeth grit and rational thought fled, he watched, frozen with a mixture of awe and horror as the saber did its work. Nox coldly wrapped the head from the sweater he pulled from his body. Only a man familiar with battle could nestle a decapitated head close. Even then, battle didn't exactly make a man willing to snuggle a severed head. He was about to demand answers when Nox reminded him of the girl. Jay swore under his breath and saved them. Turning, he searched for her by the glow of firelight. She hadn't made it far, crawling away, crying. Jay scooped her up like a doll as he passed. Strong arms kept her from writhing away on instinct, but he soon felt her relax, nestle her face against his chest, wrap her arms around his neck. He wanted to swear again. The exit signs were distant red targets. It would definitely look bad to walk out in the company of a murderer and a half crazed girl who might say they were the ones to attack her. Her injuries weren't the worst. She'd live. It wasn't like she was forty miles from a hospital base. This was Moscow, the greatest city in the world. "Don't know what you have planned for that gift basket you're carrying, but you should probably dump it between here and outside." And with that, flash light beams penetrated the darkness. Yelling echoed through the empty auditorium. Feet shuffling quickly across cement floors. Police. Or worse. They were unlikely to buy the story they would tell. Even if it was the truth. Jay lived it and he didn't believe it. He was carrying a wounded girl. Nox had blood on him. There was only one way out of this. He stopped in the middle of the aisle and blocked Nox from proceeding. He reached for the hoodie, only slightly weirded out by its contents. A tuft of red hair stuck out the side. "Trade. You take her out. Say you were both wounded in the stampede. Or by that guy. Or by me. Whatever. And I'll get rid of this. I'll meet you five blocks south of here." He waited for agreement, but wasn't willing to wait long. The calls of a team of men exploring the perimeter grew louder. - Nox - 02-03-2017 Fuck! Lights from whatever authority figures started to shine down each row. Fuck! Jay had scooped up the girl, she was cradled in his arms like a small child. Jay reached for the head and Nox pulled it back out of reach. He couldn't just get rid of it. If they put it back with it's body it could rise again. No... There weren't many options. The lights and voices were getting closer. The girl was staring at him in horror. She didn't want him to touch her and he didn't blame her one bit. He was covered in blood. It was starting to dry and his shirt was becoming stiff with it. This night sucked so fucking bad right now. Nox wished he could knock out all the communication and lights out at the same time. The only trick he had for that was lightning or electricity overload. But that wouldn't fry the comms. He needed an EMP. Nox made a mental note to talk with Sage and Cruz. He could hide the body and them if he knew how to bend light like the guy here at the show - the guy who was no presumably dead. Fuck! Atharim had to have had a way out. There were no gun shots fired, they had to be close. Unless it was some new fangled weapon - even worse than what Aria had told him about. Block Microwave and EM radiation - another two items added to his mental checklist - or three depending on how you looked at it. Nox did the only thing he could think of. "No man, I can't let you take the fall for this if you get caught. She don't like me anyway." He grinned in the firelight and let it fade into nothingness. "There has to be a way out through the stage area. Be quiet as you move I'll be right behind you. I promise." Nox didn't wait for an answer as he turned around to do what he had to do. He was thankful that the Atharim had knocked out the power - the primary and the secondary otherwise there would be more than just EXIT signs light up. Even the emergency lighting was down. The Atharim were definitely here. And Nox took a deep breathe as he did the only thing he could do...he wield the power of gods and if anyone saw his face he was fucked! First things first - remove the lights. For every flashlight coming down the aisle Nox burst them with a tiny weave of fire and air a little earth to give it strength. It was baby lightning. The body needed to burn - the head needed to burn. Nox made a box of air around the body and started the weave that would ignite it. Now came the fun part. Nox threw the head as far and as hard as his arm and his power could throw and wove the fire weave around it. Nox watched it sale into the darkness as he finished the weave and the head caught fire. He wished for a little homemade napalm but a straight up fireball would have to do. Nox headed for the stage as the men in the aisle scurried towards the light. Safely on stage in the darkness Nox moved slowly and when he saw an exit sign behind the stage he looked back and finished the fire on the body. It's contents started burning and the attention was on the massive fire. It wouldn't burn anything down because of the air walled box. But that air would hold so long as no one sliced through the weaves or beat too hard on the wall. Everything decayed even after it was tied off. The exit door was only a few feet way and everyone else was hopefully distracted. Nox wanted to pray to Aria's god that this would end up alright, but Nox didn't believe in Aria's god. He didn't believe in anything he couldn't see for himself. - Dorian - 02-03-2017 The night was unusually slow. Dorian was going over names and address of potential gods on the Atharim list - confirming with those who've registered and reading reports of those who had already been watched. Their unit was small, but every person needed to be accounted for. The Atharim weren't going to kill anymore innocent men and women - no they were children - nearly every one on his list was around Cruz's age... every single one. The dispatch radio was on a low murmur at his desk, it helped get through the monotony of reports. He could be doing this at home, but really what was the point. Christian and Nox handled things well together. It had amazed Dorian the closeness those two had forged so quickly. Dorian could only wish for it between himself and Cruz. As if his wishful thinking summoned up news on the Methos concert, Dorian had to do a double take. Power out, screams and panic. His first thought was Cruz lying trampled by the stampede of feet. But Nox was with him, he would be safe. Dorian didn't waste one moment as he got in his squad car and headed to the arena. Cruz was his first priority - his job a second, but it was a far second. There was a line around the building. Milling concert goers trying to flee the area before being questioned. Dorian flashed his badge when he was stopped and no questions were asked. He didn't say he was only here for his son. It wasn't long before Cruz grabbed his shoulder and shook. "Dad. Nox is still in there." Dorian looked at him confused. "Why is he not with you?" Dorian noticed Sage had sat down behind Cruz's feet and was holding his head. "He doesn't look good." Cruz gave him a soft smile then looked down at the rocking hacker. "Panic attack. Too many people, too much confusion and not enough brain power to process it. It's really an interesting study on how the human brain is like a computer. Sage keeps mumbling about errors. It's been too much chaos to get anything out of him. Nox was doing his job, Dad. Don't get mad at him. He gave me instructions. I followed them. He's a lot like you." Dorian wasn't sure if he liked that thought - that a boy no older than Cruz was a lot like himself. Focused on one thing above all else - his job. Dorian sighed. "I'll see if I can help him, but if he's responsible I can do only so much. The police are cracking down on the vigilantes. And Nox is probably the most vigilante guy I know." Dorian hung his badge around his neck and hugged his son. "Stay safe." Dorian stepped away from his son who had turned his attention back to the demoralized hacker and he pushed away his own feelings. They may not know it yet, but this had just became Domovoi's jurisdiction. Edited by Dorian, Feb 3 2017, 08:37 AM. - Jay Carpenter - 02-04-2017 The girl practically crawled under his shirt when he suggested she go to Nox. The nuzzling sparked memories of Shredder, the kitten from Sierra Leone, clinging to him and not letting go. With a bad taste in the back of his throat, he nodded and moved toward the stage. A swift kick pushed over barricades. No steps led up to the platform, so he had to heft the girl to the stage, which was high as his chest, and set her down. That was just the outer platform. The inner most level where the band was set up was well over his head. A big heave and he kicked a leg over the side and pulled himself up smoothly, used to complicated obstacles from the years of training courses. Throw a seventy five pound ruck on his back and at least then it would feel like work, this was just fun. Excluding all the decapitating and blood and stuff. He was in the midst of picking the girl back up when lights burst with bright flame. Fire rose, flames licking the air. Jay stared at it a moment, lost in the devouring motion, and braced himself to hear the shrieking of female voices, but their torment didn't rise. Blinking, he realized beams of white light were close. Radios and communicators rode the air on waves, and he hissed a warning, "Nox! Get that ass in gear and come on!" He took off toward the edges of the stage, seeking exits. The glow of distant firelight was all he could see by, and he wished for even the simplest piece of gear. "Fuck me," he whispered to himself, wishing he hadn't sworn in front of the girl as soon as he said it. But the angst was self-directed, as he realized he had a Wallet in his pocket. He shifted the girl's weight in his arms and dug it out, flipping on the flash lamp mode, and used it to guide their steps whether Nox was behind him or not. "I'll get you out of here," he told the girl, voice gentler than before. He once killed a man for hurting a girl about her age. Maybe a little younger. At least this time her attacker was already dead. Vicious bastard. Was he some psycho serial killer thinking to get away with murder in the middle of a concert? And why the hell did Nox need its head. Was the thing not dead enough to his liking? The wings of the stage led to halls, abandoned. The halls connected prep rooms, storage areas, and maintenance corridors. They could walk for hours and still be lost. So in general, Jay opted for routes that seemed upward and outward. Giant auditoriums built for mega concerts were always dug down many levels underground. They were giant pits rimmed with stadium seating. He managed to keep a mental map in their head as they proceeded, chalk that up to special forces training, and it took a good fifteen minutes to taste fresh air. The girl had stopped weeping by then and just rested against his chest. He hoped she rested anyway and hadn't passed out. - Nox - 02-04-2017 Nox followed behind Jay and the girl. He made sure nothing would follow. Every so often Nox made a wall of air that would prevent entry. The wall would decay after about ten minutes. That was plenty of time for them to get away. And he hadn't met many gods on the police force - except Ivan and Nox was fairly certain the detective hadn't learned that trick yet - Nox certainly hadn't taught him yet. He smile happily to himself and tipped his invisible hat to the deceased Bas. Best damned move the man could have taught him! Jay and carried the girl and finally found a way out and they were outside in the fresh air by the time Nox caught up to them. Nox shut the door behind them and gathered up his power yet again and wove a thick weave of earth in front of the door and he lifted his hands and a wall of earth pulled up from the ground in front of it. No one was coming out of that door until they excavated it from the earth that now covered it. Nox smiled at Jay. "I know you have questions and I will answer them, but she needs a hospital, and we need to be away from here before they decide to come around looking why the door won't open." Nox pointed towards the river, they could easily find a cab for her up river and then someplace quiet to talk...and maybe have a beer or three. He needed to call Cruz and Sage - make sure they were okay, but he'd wait for the girl to be on her way before he did that. A text message went off on his wallet. That particular tone wasn't one that ever went off - Dorian knew what was going on. Nox sighed as he walked and pulled out the wallet and looked at the message. "Boys are safe. You've a lot of explaining to do tomorrow. ~D." Nox sighed again. "Well shit." Nox knew it wasn't good no matter what happened the rest of the night - Dorian knew he was involved just by his current situation. But he'd deal with it tomorrow... one problem at a time. "We should get going if we want to stay ahead of this." Nox hoped Jay didn't want to make a big deal about it right now, right here. - Jay Carpenter - 02-04-2017 The sidewalk and dirt lifted up like the roots of a tree and wedged the door shut. Jay looked at Nox, but his only comment was a morbid joke, "hope that's not the only fire escape." Speaking of, he took stock of their location. It seaemed to be the back of the auditorium. Massive air conditioning units were stacked to one side. Long trailer beds made rows along the exterior wall, likely for unloading the many trucks of equipment. Methos' band probably traveled with at least 20 tractor trailers. But more important, the electricity was on out here. Whatever happened to the stage meant it was contained inside. Jay half figured it was some massive electrical glitch, but short of a lightning strike, had no idea why it would have happened. The river coursed nearby, a black empty space. But before they took off, he set the girl down and checked her over. Made sure she was still alive and rousable. Which she was. The moment he tried to let her go, her hands clutched at his neck again. A few moments later, he was satisfied, and heaved her up once more. She wasn't heavy, but all arms and legs, she was awkward. Not to mention the care he took to not add pain to her wounds. "While you have that out, pull up a map and find the closest route. We'll get her to help, you hide, I'll get her on her way, and we can meet up after that." He trusted Nox to lead them to help, but just in case, he kept track of their directions anyway. - Nox - 02-04-2017 Nox laughed at the morbidity of the joke Jay made. Thankfully Nox didn't worry about it, there were plenty of other exits they had just proven that fact with an entire arena evacuating. Nox shook his head. "Don't need a map. You walk the city enough like I have in the few months I've lived in Moscow you know your way around." That was one thing Aria had been good at. They walked everywhere that the metro couldn't get them. Nox lead them to the edge of the river and stopped at bench in case Jay needed a break but he didn't say so to his face. Big military men like him probably prided themselves on their strength. Sage was too predictable - Nox had figured it out nearly as soon as Jay started talking to him. Sage and his pet projects - the whole Legion Premiere guys - Jay had to be one of them. Sage liked helping his friends out and these were his friends now... Nox pointed up the river. "Take the river up about three bridges, there's a small 24 hour clinic there. Usually just dispenses drugs, but they are open and will look at her neck. She's moving, and if she's lost more blood than they like they'll take her to the hospital. I'd put her in a cab straight to the hospital - easier for me. Whichever you want to do. I'll wait here. Safe enough for now." - Jay Carpenter - 02-04-2017 It wasn't so much Nox knew all of Moscow as he probably memorized the locations of all the nearest urgent care clinics. At least he thought ahead. No need to take a break, he paused at the bench and guessed how long it would take to get to the clinic. Three bridges. At least a quarter mile. He could run it in a minute and a half. but that wasn't the best idea carrying an injured girl. "I'll be back in ten minutes." Tightening his hold, he took off at a jog, keeping a good enough pace to make time but not so hard as to jostle her uncomfortably. He could have walked the perimeter of the auditorium and found civilization faster, probably. But he'd end up answering police questions and in paperwork up to his eyeballs. And his curiosity over Nox and that head was too strong. If Nox was even still there when he got back. So it was eleven minutes later when the footfalls of a runner shuffled through the night. The underestimated time was only because it took longer than he anticipated to peel the girl off his chest and into doctor's arms. She'd be alright, though. Jay promised her she would be alright. Breathing heavy, he plopped down on the bench, swiping the bit of sweat from his forehead and looking out across the river. "Here," he pulled an extra bottle of water from his coat pocket, and tossed it to Nox. "That's not how I thought this night would go." He grinned upon finishing the last of his own bottle of water, and chucked the plastic in the general direction of a trash can. "Or is it just another normal night for you?" - Nox - 02-04-2017 Jay took off at a jog and Nox sat down on the bench - he knew he'd stopped there for a reason. The night was brisk but not cold but he missed his hoodie. He sighed as he leaned back and stared up at the sky as he dialed Sage's phone with the single button. Cruz answered. "Where the hell are you Nox? Dad is here." "I kinda figured that one out when he sent me a text. You and Sage alright?" Nox didn't think Sage was since Cruz answered his phone. "We are as good as can be expected. Sage is calm now. His anxiety meds are so not working. He keeps saying he's getting errors." Nox sighed. "Take him home or take him out to get him a drink. Getting him laid might not be a bad idea either." Cruz laughed. "My dad is gonna kill you for saying that." Nox sighed. "He's already gonna kill me. I'll be home when I can. I got somethings to take care of. Stay safe Cruz." Nox hung up and continued to stare at the sky until he heard the sounds of footsteps coming. Nox readied a wall of air to put in place if someone told him to freeze, but Jay just plopped down next to him tossing him a bottle of water. Nox cracked the lid and took a long swallow as Jay joked about their night. Nox laughed. "Honestly, that was pretty tame for me." Nox tipped the bottled water at Jay. "Thanks for the water. But I think we could both use something a little stronger. I know a place not to far from here." It was a silent walk those first few blocks to the metro. There was a guy hacking knock of clothes at the bottom of the stairs. Nox picked out one. It was horrid. It brought to mind old style jamacian bands - kinda like Methos. Nox sighed - now he'd fit in at one his clubs... Flashes of memories bloated his vision and Nox had to blink them out before he could actually move.... this shit sucked... he thought he'd finished with all this shit a long time ago... fucking amnesia. The train came and they rode it for one stop. Then got off. It was easier then walking it. The bar was not one Nox frequented often - he didn't frequent many, but he'd stopped in after a hunt or two for a beer before heading home. Wherever home was at the time. Nox sat down in the far back corner after ordering a beer and opening a tab. He didn't want to have to dish out money for each time he wanted one. Not tonight. "Alright. Ask. I know you are dying to." - Jay Carpenter - 02-05-2017 Jay scrubbed his hair as they sat down. The bench was welcome rest, but the look on his face was concerned. Nox was something of an enigma. The way he stripped a bloody shirt from his chest like it was no big deal was bothersome. At least, it was bothersome in this environment. He didn't act military. Though maybe he had the background. Could never tell. His accent was definitely American, but he mentioned being in Moscow for a few months. And then there was the decapitating and flaming swords and fireballs and wizardy light shows. Vanders could do as much, Jay had seen him do it in the thick of a fight, but that was warfare. This was a bloody Methos concert. He ordered a beer, a golden wheat that reminded him of Iowa, and sat there tapping the lip of the bottle thoughtfully. Nox looked about his age. One of these wizards. Alright. Time to put words to the mess of thoughts bouncing around his skull. "Don't know, uh. Yeah. Don't know what to even fucking say. Glad you're on my side, I guess." He joked with a grin. He wouldn't stand much chance if Nox decided to decapitate him next time. "That guy, the red head, was off. Something was wrong with him. I knew it the first time I saw him, but I don't know why. Guess that's what crazy looks like I suppose. But you knew what was off, didn't you? So you had to kill it twice. And you're one of those wizards - er, people that have magical powers - So what's the deal with that?" He recalled how much Vanders worked to use his magic. So how did Nox get so good? Maybe that was the question he really wanted to ask. "How'd you get so good?" |