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Inspiration - Printable Version

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- Takeo - 04-12-2014

What have you seen lately that inspires you and your writing?

I'll start with 25 Moments (note, it has automatic background music) - a nicely-done site giving a glimpse of the history of mutants, leading up to the newest X-Men movie, Days of Future Past.

Also, this Wheel of Time Fan Art Pinterest Board.

Edited by Takeo, Apr 12 2014, 11:23 AM.

- Jaxen Marveet - 04-12-2014

Music. Strangely, Volbeat gets me in Jaxen's headspace.

- Ascendancy - 04-13-2014

I also like to listen to music when i'm writing. Its always instrumental, however. And I have a playlist that I call "fantasy" that is a collection of movie and gaming soundtracks that I frequently use.

I call up a particular album when i'm in a certain mood. For instance for the "Perceptions" thread I listened to the Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack. (terrible movie, good music tho!).

Others on the playlist include Mass Effect, Unbreakable, Future World Music, Distant Worlds, compilation albums, etc.

- Aria - 04-14-2014

My inspiration comes from ya'll. I do have a play list that make writing easier, but it's nothing more than my favorite music, or whatever I'm in the mood for.

Most ideas come from things all around me, mostly from those with whom I talk to regularly. Many a sleepless night comes with things start being inspiring lol.

- Ascendancy - 04-14-2014

This article was shared with us by Thalia-mun. (Thanks Thal!) and I found it very agreeable!

10 habits of highly creative people:

1. They get moving
2. They take naps
3. They daydream
4. They collaborate

5. They take risks
6. They make (and stick to) a routine
7. They explore
8. They pay attention
9. They forgive bad work
10. They take time to be alone


I daydream a lot! Usually about plots. I also stick to a routine and have designated slots of time that I devote to writing. Which also plays into number nine, forgiving bad work. Because let's face it, most of what I write is awful, but I pick away at it until something decent emerges.

Which ones appeal to you?

- Annika - 04-15-2014

By far collaboration is key for me, based on that list. Risks, explore, and the alone time is really important too. [Image: 1.png]

Music usually is a big inspiration but the more I think on it, Collaboration with others and being challenged in a creative way far outweighs most anything else. Assuming i'm interested. [Image: 1.png]

- Thalia - 04-17-2014

I normally listen to music when I write as well, but that's often to tune out distractions. Sometimes I'll use something character-centric for inspiration, sometimes I'll listen to lyricless stuff like Asc. Future World Music is one of my favourites too! Can't be doing with film or game soundtracks though, as I just associate them with their film or game. Pictures and art sometimes spark ideas. But mostly I get inspiration from reading, either books or stuff here.

As for the list, daydreaming definitely. Alone time, yeah. Collaboration, of course! And the getting moving one.

- Andrew Koehler - 04-17-2014

Kingdom of Heaven was awesome. Just... not the theatrical edition. Director's cut was great.