The First Age
Rachel Shale - Printable Version

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Rachel Shale - Rachel Shale - 09-26-2024

Age: 22

Origin: Chicago, IL, United States

Occupation: Master's Degree Student

Psychological Description:  Much like her older sister, Emily, Rachel is kind hearted and smiles often. Rachel cares and wants to see others happy has well.  She is easy to talk to, empathetic, and ambitious.  She is, however, quick to make decisions, often without thinking.

Physical Description:  Rachel stands at 5'10" tall (1.77 meters) tall.  She has blonde hair, slightly longer than shoulder length, with hazel eyes. She has an athletic build.

Characters Powers and Supernatural Powers: The ability to learn how to channel.

Current OP Strength: 0

Potential OP Strength: 20

Biography: Rachel was born to Martin and Victoria Shale in 2024.  The second of three daughters, she was often in competition with her younger sister, Mara. She was always close to her older sister, Emily, however.  Emily’s personality did make sibling rivalry easy, and the eldest often intervened to keep the younger two sisters from killing each other.  As they grew older, all three sisters grew closer.

As the daughter of wealthy parents, Rachel never wanted for anything.  Kind-hearted, she made friends easily in school and was involved in sports, music, and drama. Her friends soon found she was easy to talk to, and would often come to her to vent or even seek advice.  Rachel’s teachers encouraged this and some even advised her to consider going into psychology.  She did so, beginning a college degree at Northern Illinois University.

In 2045, life for the Shale girls changed forever.  Their parents died in a tragic plane crash 
while heading to Moscow for a business meeting.  Rachel took this hard, retreating into herself.  Her older sister Emily took over their company, and began planning a move to Moscow.

Rachel’s friends came to bat for her.  The girl that had been there during their troubled times came to her aid, encouraging her in her grief.  Despite all of this, she still felt uneasy in Illinois.  When the opportunity presented itself to move to Moscow with her sisters, she put in for a transfer to the University of Moscow where she earned her Bachelors in Pyschology.  She continued into their Master’s Program and hopes to one day be a licensed therapist.

On campus, she met Cruz Vega.  They quickly bonded and started dating.  Things are looking up for her and for the first time since her parents death, Rachel is starting to feel normal again.  Despite this, her grief lingers in the background.  In this time she has watched Emily grow from self-conscious and fearful to a confident and inspiring leader.  Rachel only hopes she can reach her potential as her sister has.