The First Age
Joseph Sinclair - Printable Version

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- Joseph - 07-28-2013

Name: Joseph Sinclair
Age: 2
Occupation: Professional Photographer
Origin: East Texas, United States
Current: Moscow


Joseph is one of the few men left that retains any semblance of Southern hospitality. He is very courteous to anyone and everyone he meets, even if he has an issue with them.

He is a quiet man who is short of speech. He knows how to say what he wants in as little as possible, and he uses this ability frequently.
He is incredibly intelligent, and the move from secluded rural life into the largest urban area on the planet has allowed his intelligence to blossom far beyond what would have been possible for him.

He puts a strange amount of weight on his dreams, many of which he can account to himself weeks after the dream.

He enjoys nature. In Texas, he was the only person within several miles that had a camera, and he would walk through the fields and forests to take pictures as a getaway when he needed time alone. He came to master the art of photography in this time.


He has medium-length, slightly curly red hair to his ears. He is 6' 3", fit, fairly muscular, attractive enough to draw several eyes. His eyes are a chocolatey brown that go strangely well with his red hair that typically sits above lighter eyes. His face is very expressive if you can catch the emotion. He can go from bursting with laughter to void of emotion in the blink of an eye. He never wears accessories that touch his skin, as he will remove them and play with them, and typically break them.


Born in a small, dying town in east Texas, Joseph was one of nine children on a farm in east Texas. With the decline in the US, many Southern families had reverted to the old ways of farming, which was particularly unfortunate for the Sinclair family, as they were all red-headed with no access to sunscreen, causing the sun to ravage their skin. His father, George, is a local from Texas, while his mother, Siobhan, hails from Ireland.

At the age of 19, Joseph began having strange dreams that very cryptically signaled for him to move east. After the repetition of these dreams, he finally confided them to his family when he was 21, and expressed his own desire to move. Unsurprisingly, his parents agreed. They were angry with the United States' refusal to annex into the CCD, and were open to the idea. After this plan was set in motion, Joseph's dreams changed. Now he was swimming blindly and endlessly for the length of the dream. He failed to interpret it.

Originally, only Joseph was going to go east, but it turned into his whole family as the crops failed. They began saving every penny they could, and eventually, when Joseph reached the age of 23 they had enough to buy passage on a ship to London and transport via train to Moscow. His father and two eldest siblings stayed home to finish the sale of their home while he, his mother, and his other siblings set sail, assured that the trio would follow after them in two months.

On the ship, the family still had to work its way east; swabbing the deck and doing other things that Joseph had thought were only tales. There ship was a small, incredibly fast trading vessel, one of the few that made the journey to the CCD.

On the sixth and last night, Joseph, the eldest traveling child, got into an arguement with his mother. She approached him as he photographed the dark ocean around him, and said she wanted to stay in London to wait for the rest of the family instead of going with the original plan to go straight to Moscow. The argument was not resolved, and Joseph stalked back to his cabin in anger, still holding his camera.

That's when it happened. He channeled the One Power for the first time. He did not know what he was doing, but a wave of Power flowed through him and the ship came apart at its seams around him in the dark. He rushed back to his mother's cabin, but all that rested inside was a pile if clothes and jewelry. The people had unraveled too, it seemed. He sank to his knees as the ship sank into the ocean. He could just see the dark shape of land, that would be London, in the distance, and he knew he would need to swim, but he could not make himself stand. Sobs wracked him as the water surrounded him and killed his camera. He was forced to begin swimming, his salty tears mixing with the salt water.

He was left alone by the marine life and reached the deserted shore quickly, where he continued to cry and grieve. He didn't understand what had happened in the slightest, it made no sense that he had survived, unless it was his fault. He vowed to not think about the event, resolving that after grieving, he would do his best to forget it.

He found a homeless shelter in the city, and watched as the reports of his sunken ship surfaced two days following the incident. The reporters were baffled as to what happened, and offered no explanation to the public. The reports claimed that no remains were found, and no record of the passengers had been saved. Joseph was too afraid of what might happen if he went to the authorities, and quietly remained in the shelter. The shelter offered a free, one-time transportation service to any CCD city of his choice, which he decided to use to travel to Moscow. His departure date was set for one week, on his birthday, of all days.

The next four days he remained in his small assigned room, incapacitated by the Sickness. He recorded the symptoms by hand, having no way to take pictures, though he held his dead camera. His block formed as he made frequent contact while holding his camera. The symptoms went away after those four days. He was one of the rarest of rare, he fended off the Sickness on the first bout, and also developed a simple block.

The next day, as he strolled through London, the Atharim attacked him for the first time. He was confronted walking back to the shelter. They backed him into an alley while he inspected his dead camera, bringing out the Power. While holding the camera, he subsequently dropped it, breaking the short-lived block he had not been aware of, and allowing him to instinctively use the Power effectively.

He incinerated the two Atharim, and ran away from the area quickly. He began to start cautiously training himself in the Power as he walked through the city the next day. He was attacked by a single Atharim that day, and after drowning him with Water, he looted the body and found a small book containing a bit of informations about the organization, which also informed him of their name and their symbol. He burned the body after pocketing the book.

The next day his train left for Moscow, where he quietly and modestly celebrated his own birthday alone. He spent most of the time remembering hs family. For the day and a half ride he practiced small things with the Power, gaining a large measure of control and strength in the process.

Upon arriving in the city, he acquired a job in a food market, where he used the strange CCD money to buy materials to make perfect counterfeit money with the Power. After making a large amount over the course of a month, he bought a camera, moved into an apartment fairly near the Kremlin, and began to launch his photography business.

Now, only two months away from from Texas, he anticipates his father and two siblings' arrival.

Edited by Joseph, Aug 7 2013, 03:07 PM.