The First Age
Telecom companies in Africa? - Printable Version

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- Jacques - 07-01-2015

Anyone around these part have characters or NPCs that own telecommunications companies that may have assets in Africa? And if so, interested in a brief tie-in to the Sierra Leone thread? Jacques is planning to take control of the telecom towers in Sierra Leone temporarily (which will likely tun into weeks and months and possibly into more such towers in other countries over time).

- Aria - 07-02-2015

all my npc companies are medical tech/research companies... Emily is the only PC I know who might. Not sure if any of the privledges do... the wiki would know.

- Ascendancy - 07-02-2015

A couple of the Privileges invented technologies that are used by telecom industries, however none directly own any. Does Jaxen's dad dabble in any of that?