12-11-2024, 05:50 PM
Carter was nearly rendered speechless by Cyrena’s captivating monologue. She wasn’t supermodel beautiful but was far more attractive. She gave off this aura of a beautiful insect, deadly and poisonous, yet he had this undeniable urge to get closer and in doing so bare every thought he’d ever had.
“Definitely not business,” Carter didn’t need to suppress any emotion there. He was a devoted son to the family legacy, but he would never discuss such things with a stranger. “And no demons, either.” The comment struck him darker than he expected himself to react to such a benign metaphor.
He took a breath to recenter himself, and in doing so, glanced around them. “Actually, I’m here for a girl.”
“Definitely not business,” Carter didn’t need to suppress any emotion there. He was a devoted son to the family legacy, but he would never discuss such things with a stranger. “And no demons, either.” The comment struck him darker than he expected himself to react to such a benign metaphor.
He took a breath to recenter himself, and in doing so, glanced around them. “Actually, I’m here for a girl.”