09-05-2014, 02:32 PM
Yegor heard footsteps and then saw the new guy, Pavel, glaring at him. "Leave him alone, Yegor. It's not the double-zeros anymore. No one cares, and it's not like it's any of your fucking business anyways."
Yegor gave him an insolent grin. "Just messing with him man."
He really didn't care all that much who or what Pyotr wanted to stick it in- or be stuck, for that matter. It wasn't a big deal. But guys like Pyotr- weak, spineless, bumbling- for some reason just being around them pissed him off and he couldn't help himself. Little bitches just running around, scared. Scared of him.
Sometimes, though, he thought he was doing them a favor. Pick on them enough that they either grow a thicker skin- hey the world was a cruel place and people needed to learn that young so they could deal with it- or stand up to him. If Pyotr, right now, told him off, stepped up to his face, then Yegor would give him a real smile- a genuine one- and would have clapped him on the shoulder. A man would stand up to him.
Instead, when he looked back at Pyotr, he could see the sullen resentment behind his eyes, but, as always, Pyotr refused to meet his gaze, shifting his eyes, looking down. His shoulders hunched.
Disgust welled up in Yegor, filled him with it. His eyes were filled with contempt. Softly so only Pyotr could hear, lip curled, he said "Come on man. Don't be a pussy."
Stanislav watched, as did Raul and Pavel. Loudly he laughed and looked back at Pavel. He wasn't gonna lose his job for this mincing baby. "Pyotr knows we're just having a little fun with him. Don't get your panties in a twist."
He mock-good naturedly softly punched him on the arm. Ok, maybe not so soft. He still was disgusted. But Pyotr could take it, he was sure. "Don'tcha man?"
The contempt was still there.