The First Age

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So Nox sent out a bunch of texts and I don't want to make alot of tags in the thread so I'm gonna do it in one big thread and invite everyone with a free PC if you want to meet the other PCs.  He sent it out to all his friends.

It would be a couple days after Nox and Jay fought (for those with timelines that matter)

Nox is putting on a show (his second).  I'll start a thread in a few days and post it in here.  But anyone is welcome to join in. Mix and mingle!

*edited* Post ->

[Image: 1506513218-tumblr-m79ixkzyiv1qcra4yo1-50...size=480:*]
haha. That's just...

Nox is ferverently saying hell the fuck no to that outfit! He now has a second no he won't ever do... dresses and sequined jumpsuits!
The one in the middle.. Where the belt says SAM, instead it says NOX. Blue-gold sequins. 
You'd rock that look. *nod nod.
Nox could totally pull it off!
He says there is no question he'd rock any of them. Just hell the fuck no.

My muse despises glitter (that's too close lol)
Well then clearly the gauntlet needs to be thrown to Jaxen. Someone's gotta rock the sequins.
I'm pretty sure we've seen Jaxen rock sequins already. I recall a red sequined mini skirt and a purple cape?
*Gauntlet snatched mid-air, slipped on the hand, and disco-dodo-bird-pelvis-thrusts

[Image: PolitePopularDodobird-size_restricted.gif?format=1500w] 

Need a backup dancer my friend?
He's got it covered. Maybe next time they can do something together.
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