The First Age

Full Version: Setting Up
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Kai walked into the office building like he had been everyday for a week. "Hey, Mercer." the security guard said as he walked through the checkpoint and to the cleaning closet and readied his cart.

Across town, Finn was doing the same thing.

Preparation for something like this was always key. And this one was a big key job. The pay was excellent and the cause didn't matter. It was just another job for the Mercer brothers.

They were almost ready. They had the schedule down pat. It was like clockwork. And the riots all around made it even more predictable.The whole country was under curfew and it was days away from a full fledge lock down. They only had a little more time left and then the rest of the world would go into a frenzy.

Kai set the last peice of the rifle in his hiding spot. Their plan would happen in one more day. It was almost ready.