The First Age

Full Version: Holy Finally
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I just managed to upgrade the forums to correctly use Account Switcher and a latest and a more secure php version.

If you notice any error messages please post the url of the page and the error message here so I can look into fixing it.
so threads have lots of errors I'll get to I think but have to work now so I'll switch back to the older version for now.
Okay fixed the thread let me know if anything else gives issues.
If you have an error message on a page please let me know the url so i can address it I think I've got most of it working again.

on the forums that is.

The wiki short code for rpg posts is still down.
Oh and the account switcher on postbits should be working again too! I figured that one out Smile
I don't know exactly what you need, but I get this at the top of the page when reading PMs:

I think I got all them Thal.  Let me know if you see any others.
I walk away a few days and the whole place blows up. 

Good thing Nox was here to put it back together. *thumbs up
hehe i blew it up, so I figured I should put it back together!
(09-01-2024, 11:42 PM)Nox Wrote: [ -> ]hehe i blew it up, so I figured I should put it back together!

That is the decent thing to do.
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