The First Age

Full Version: Numbers' Gambit: The Rules
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I'll let JLB post first. That way he can tell us what we lost. *frown.
I take great consolation in the fact that if Ori had written anything other than 1, Jaxen wouldn't have lost too. Mwahahaha!
The next die roll is....

*drum roll*

... Five!

Which means I am thoroughly amused by these turns of events. If I understand correctly, Jon wins again. hahaha
That is correct. The players keep their own numbers. That was a random roll right? Not GM img to make the other characters think Jon is cheating, right? Kidding of course. Our fearless leader 's integrity is beyond reproach.

I question that statement [Image: 18.png]Edited by Michael Vellas, Sep 22 2013, 01:12 AM.
Lol Mikey! Now I get to go be creative again and think about what Jon should do to Jaxen.

I knew it would catch on!

Good thing for Jaxen that Jon isn't Yuri [Image: 2.png]
You have GOT to be kidding me!
Lol. It was a random die roll. I had to look up what a five meant, too.
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