The First Age

Full Version: US of A Reunion Tour
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Aria had gone off and Aurora was dead and Nox felt more alone than he'd ever felt in his life. He was crashing at HQ and he felt so wrong being there. If Aria was going to go off and play Cowboys and Indians by herself so would he. Helping Ivan had been a great distraction but it only made him long for more.

To get away from it all Nox booked a flight back home. A flight. He wasn't eager to step foot on a plane again. He wasn't eager to feel the air plummet beneath him as he fell. Odds were in his favor to survive, but that didn't help the sinking feeling when he stepped on board the oblong tube that could have been his death.

The fear pulsed through his body as they took off and it didn't subside until he had two feet firmly on the ground at JFK. It had been a long flight, his body ached from the strain of keeping himself together.

When he and Aurora left they had been going for only a few days. They left the Jeep parked in long term parking and Nox was not looking forward to the bill he was about to pay to retrieve his entire life. And that was exactly what he intended to do while he was here. His family had traveled North and Central America hunting monsters for his entire life he had a lot of things to collect. It all could be useful to him if the Atharim ever caught on to the fact that he was a reborn god. But right now he just wanted any semblance of home and life the way it used to be.
Continued in Pain of Loss