Armande felt a smile of amusement form on his lips. He loved Valeriya. But in many ways she was still a child- and being the Eye had only made her a spoiled one. However hard her life had been- and he knew it had. Her body was covered in scars from hunts going back to childhood. But even they were dwarfed by those on her back. Awakening had been bought in volumes of blood and gouts of great pain, he knew. Yet still she had been born a princess among the Khylsty. Her time as Eye had only driven that further home.
She would grow up eventually, as they all did. He himself had learned a form of humility, after all, only in the last few weeks. And he was not a child by any stretch of the imagination.
So he merely quirked an eyebrow at her petulant tone, her possessive words. Perhaps more than a tight smile showed. He half expected her to stamp her foot in frustration. If she did, Armande might actually laugh at her. She might try to strike him, then, which might let them wrestle about. It was not without its attraction.
"You wish to go out..." he said, as if this were ominous. He tapped his lip, considering. 26. Living in the Below her entire life. The joy she'd felt exploring the Above was infectious. He did like seeing her smile. She had picked up modern Russian quickly, her hunger and intelligence shining brightly. She had adopted modern ways with rapidity, often using his wallet for hours to explore.
And she was right. Very soon Theiss would contact him with a full report of the results of last night's victory. The Atharim had plants among the wait and security staff, as well as those attendees who had no clue that ultimately he held their strings.
"A celebration IS in order. I have an idea, Valeriya. But as beautiful as you are, perhaps you would enjoy spending some time being pampered and made up as a queen." Maybe there was a hint of tease in his tone. From the Below or not, not a woman lived, in his experience, who would not enjoy a spa. "Then, well, I might surprise you. Perhaps...if you aren't too much a demanding princess."
His grin under his raised eyebrow indicated he was teasing- and promised potential...and fun.
She would grow up eventually, as they all did. He himself had learned a form of humility, after all, only in the last few weeks. And he was not a child by any stretch of the imagination.
So he merely quirked an eyebrow at her petulant tone, her possessive words. Perhaps more than a tight smile showed. He half expected her to stamp her foot in frustration. If she did, Armande might actually laugh at her. She might try to strike him, then, which might let them wrestle about. It was not without its attraction.
"You wish to go out..." he said, as if this were ominous. He tapped his lip, considering. 26. Living in the Below her entire life. The joy she'd felt exploring the Above was infectious. He did like seeing her smile. She had picked up modern Russian quickly, her hunger and intelligence shining brightly. She had adopted modern ways with rapidity, often using his wallet for hours to explore.
And she was right. Very soon Theiss would contact him with a full report of the results of last night's victory. The Atharim had plants among the wait and security staff, as well as those attendees who had no clue that ultimately he held their strings.
"A celebration IS in order. I have an idea, Valeriya. But as beautiful as you are, perhaps you would enjoy spending some time being pampered and made up as a queen." Maybe there was a hint of tease in his tone. From the Below or not, not a woman lived, in his experience, who would not enjoy a spa. "Then, well, I might surprise you. Perhaps...if you aren't too much a demanding princess."
His grin under his raised eyebrow indicated he was teasing- and promised potential...and fun.