Nox was off. Bas noticed it right away. Yeah, he was fucking pissed. Little miss painted on called to him. But his boy was in danger. Even as he approached the table he swerved and headed up the stairs and got a better angle.
Yeah, Nox was watching someone. All the high left Bas as he assessed. He knew the popo. They all did. And CIs. And UCs. People who didn't belong.
Ok, maybe Vlad's ambrosia wasn't gone. But between it and the power, his senses were amplified. Thankfully, neither left a hangover as debt.
The band began to disperse and he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Just a tensing, but it felt off. Surreptitiously he circled around. Yep. Little fucker thought he was the shit.
Bas didn't even think. A nice blow of hardened air and the man dropped. Wasn't big. Just looked like the guy sort of fell over. Drunk or high or whatever. Asleep. Oh, and fire to melt the gun's inner chamber.
Now that he knew what to look for, he continued his hunt.
This was supposed to be a party. Any fuckers who wanted to break it up had him to answer to. No one invited them. That was enough, as far as he was concerned. Each fall made seemed to make his grin wider.
Once or twice he glanced down to his girl. Delayed gratification and all that.
Yeah, Nox was watching someone. All the high left Bas as he assessed. He knew the popo. They all did. And CIs. And UCs. People who didn't belong.
Ok, maybe Vlad's ambrosia wasn't gone. But between it and the power, his senses were amplified. Thankfully, neither left a hangover as debt.
The band began to disperse and he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Just a tensing, but it felt off. Surreptitiously he circled around. Yep. Little fucker thought he was the shit.
Bas didn't even think. A nice blow of hardened air and the man dropped. Wasn't big. Just looked like the guy sort of fell over. Drunk or high or whatever. Asleep. Oh, and fire to melt the gun's inner chamber.
Now that he knew what to look for, he continued his hunt.
This was supposed to be a party. Any fuckers who wanted to break it up had him to answer to. No one invited them. That was enough, as far as he was concerned. Each fall made seemed to make his grin wider.
Once or twice he glanced down to his girl. Delayed gratification and all that.